
Hybrid redtail catfish!!!!!!!!

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I was told to get a red tail catfish but then I heard of a hybrid red tail catfish. Would you be able to tell me more about it? eg: size, size tank, what they eat ,ect. What is their scientific name




  1. there is no scientific name as this is a hybrid, and i suspect they are talking about the red tail x tiger shovelnose hybrid.

    do not get this fish unless you have a 1000-1500 US gallon tropical pond ready for it.

    this fish, as with many hybridisations, grows not only twice as fast as either parent, but also much larger. expect this hybrid to push 6ft long with a year or two, capable of growing several feet within a year. they will eat whatever they can fit in their mouths. and they have LARGE mouths.

    this is a monster fish that really shouldn't exist nor be available in the pet trade.

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