
Hydraulic system?

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How better can you modify an aircrafts hydraulic system, either specific or generally all hydraulic systems




  1. You don't want a hydraulic system to leak.  So maybe they could be improved if the fluid had a self sealing capacity if it was exposed to air via a leak.

    But you also don't want to not notice leaks.  So maybe they could be improved if the seals that formed where the system leaked could be easily visible - i.e. the seal was brightly colored or glowed when illuminated with UV.

    And you don't want to be left without the whole system if one part fails.  So maybe they could be improved if the internal workings sealed off a segment that was showing a pressure drop - i.e. if the hydraulics for one wing flap ruptured, you wouldn't want to drain the whole system, so that flap would close a valve to seal itself away from the rest of the plumbing.

    And if some part, or the whole system, failed, you wouldn't want to be helpless.  So maybe they could be improved if there was an entire backup system that could seamlessly take over if the first failed.

    Lastly, maybe the weak part of the hydraulic system is that it is a system at all.  Maybe the aircraft could be better served if it used a wireless network to communicate with a different hydraulic motor at each location where hydraulics were used - i.e. each flap has a hydraulic to raise it and a hydraulic to lower it, but rather than being attached to a central hydraulic system, they are isolated systems that are controlled by radio signals from the cockpit.  Without even wires, the danger of failure might be much reduced.

    I'm not an aerospace engineer though, so maybe all these things have already been thought of and implemented or dismissed.

    BTW:  if you are looking for a system to improve on an airplane, how about a tire that wouldn't collapse even if it lost air pressure?  It seems like this might be feasible, given that there are car tires like this, and needed, given that airplane tires often rupture and collapse upon landing.

    Hope this helps.

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