
Hydro life for baby turtles?

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well i have a baby musk turtle and hes not really eating and if any at all hes new to the family abt 2 weeks now i was told it could take up to 3 weeks for him to get use to everything but they can go for months not eating well i was starting to get worryed and i bought some hydro life i wanted to know how much i give him and for how long?i think he hates me bc i have to make him mad for him to open him mouth i just poke his nose till he opens his mouth not hard at all tho.its been 3 days now and hes basking and swiming very lively seems fine he has peed on me so im guess hes drinking water and geting some of that hydro life in him,im not sure what turtle pooph looks like but i have seem some thick lookin goo stuff in the tank not sure what that is.and it seems he sheding too so i feel hes pretty healthy any thoughts?pls dont tell me how to raise a turtle i know all what he needs i have light and everything, ive been trying to feed him worms dry blood worms, pettels,and crickets thanks




  1. i'd love to know what you're asking then since you don't want anyone to tell you how to take care of your animal.

    don't get your turtle hooked on hydro life. use the tough love approach and only feed the pellets till it eats.

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