
Hydrocodone to Fentanyl, good idea?

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I have 2 herniated disks in my spine which contributes to 24/7 pain and I am hesitant about having surgery on my spine at the moment. I am a bariatric patient so when I take a medicine it does not stay in my system as long as a non-bariatric patient, it cuts off about 2 hours sooner. At first I was put on Vicodin 5/500 (1-2 tabs every 4-6 hours) for the first month and I had to take more of the 5/500 tabs for it alleviate the pain and have a theraputic effect on me. I was then moved up to Vicodin 7.5/750 (1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours) and it didn't do much for me so my doctor put me on Norco 10/325 tabs (1-2 tabs every 4 hours) it helped but then eventually it stopped working and now I am taking 8+ Norcos in a 24 hour period. My doctor has prescribed Fentanyl 25 MCG/HR and I hear that it is about as strong as morphine and it leaves you feeling drowsy, etc. My question is will I be able to do things like go to school, etc. once I start taking Fentanyl? Since I take 80+mgs of hydrocodone a day should I wait until the vicodin is out of my system before I start using the patch or will I be okay to start it immeadiately? I am really nervous about taking it but it's been almost a month since I have been able to sleep in my own bed. Thanks for the help ahead of time.




  1. I would wait and take it at the time you would take your next norco is due. You never mentioned if it was a fentanyl patch they gave yuou. they are time released so you don't get to much at one time. Make sure you have either someone there to help you or to call if you need help. good luck

  2. it wont hurt you

    but them patches will make you an illass

    i have the same disease lower 3 discs

    done took so many pain pills bout lost my mind

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