
Hydrogen Peroxide - Its Main Ingredient in Color Safe Bleach - Why can't I add it directly to colors?

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All DIY Hydrogen Peroxide web sites say to add it to a load of whites as a bleaching agent.

What's so special about color safe bleaches (like Clorox 2), whose ingredients just look like a mix of hydrogen peroxide and soap that makes them "color safe"?

1. What would happen if I put common 3% hydrogen peroxide in with a load of 50/50 poly / cotton colored clothes?

2. If its unsafe for colors, what property or ingredient makes products like clorox 2 "color safe"?

Its okay if you only know the answer to #1. I'm mostly concerned with that part of the question.




  1. If you put peroxide into a load of colours - make sure you dilute it with and equal amount of water and add to the machine when its filling up with water BEFORE  you add the clothes.

    Nothing bad will happen - you will simply have fresh  clean clothes.

    The Clorox 2 colour safe bleach is a product that has special ingredients that only the company knows and keep it a secret - they have chemists who worked on this to meet consumer needs and I cannot say what is  or is not in this product.

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