
Hydrogen cars.?

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If hydrogen cars are worse than electric (Worse in the amount of energy it takes to make hydrogen) why are car companies making them? If we choose hydrogen would it be another way oil companies to control us by selling it to us like oil? Please explian sorry for bad english




  1. you are very correct, it does take more energy to make hydrogen gas, until there is a easier way and more cost efficiently way to make hydrogen, we still be slaves to foreign oil. the us congress they are our worst enemies,  no to more oil drilling, no to coal liquidation plants, no to nuclear power plants, and no to hydro-electric dams( the most cleanest way to produce electric)  it is like they want us to suffer the higher cost of energy!

  2. Hydrogen cars are just one of the ways we are trying to get away from using so much oil, especially that from foreign countries.  If it takes more fossil fuel usage to build one, we at least hope to make up the difference by using less to drive it.  We need to have more than one alternative to a fossil fuel-powered car.  There are also "clean" energy sources that can be used to create electricity-to build hydrogen and electric cars or to fuel electric cars-such as wind or water power.  

    Oil companies probably won't be the ones selling us hydrogen, and it could be produced here, so we wouldn't need to waste fuel transporting it across oceans.  If you're worried about the oil companies controlling you, live close to work/school and ride your bike! =)

  3. Every major auto company is putting more emphasis on electric vehicles.  Toyota and GM recently announced that they're going to focus far more on electrics than hydrogen.

    "Top executives from General Motors Corp. and Toyota Motor Corp. Tuesday expressed doubts about the viability of hydrogen fuel cells for mass-market production in the near term and suggested their companies are now betting that electric cars will prove to be a better way to reduce fuel consumption and cut tailpipe emissions on a large scale."

    A few companies like Honda and BMW are still putting a good amount of R&D into hydrogen.  I think they're just hedging their bets in case there's a technological breakthrough which makes hydrogen cars a viable option, like perhaps obtaining hydrogen from aluminum alloys as discussed in the link below.

  4. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.

    This makes it a very attractive fuel source

  5. First off, the evil Big Oil companies are selling you oil products. Key word there being "selling", since you do not "have" to buy the products they sell you.

    I doubt the the evil Big Oil companies will sell you hydrogen cars. I can say this with some confidence, since I have never bought any of the 20+ cars I have owned in my lifetime from an evil Oil company.

  6. 1. The Secret of Hydrogen Car Fuel

    People all over the world are converting their cars to run with water today. This was a previously unknown technology, but has seen a significant amount exposure lately due to the sharp increase in fuel prices. The truth is, you cannot yet power your car 100% on water. A combination of gasoline and water is needed. Drivers will need to build a low cost system into their cars that allows it to extract H2 gas from water first.

    2. What Are Other Ways To Avoid High Gas Prices?

    Even though I would say that using hydrogen fuel is the best alternative if you still want to use your car, there are several other common alternatives that people are using. Public transport is a popular choice for people living in big cities, or you could choose to buy a new hybrid car, although they do not come cheap.

    3. Why Are More People Switching To Hydrogen Fuel Technology?

    By using this technology to power my car, I have found that the engine can run quieter and smoother, and my gas mileage has increased as well. By burning hydrogen, there is also less unburned fuel emitted from my exhaust system, thus polluting the environment less.

    Most important, many cost savings benefits can be realized with this invention. By running your car on water, you can also get an IRS refund like a hybrid car. This system can be easily built from home for less than $150, and has been helping me save a lot of money because of the lower levels of gasoline I need to buy.

    I received my kit online from a company called:
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