
Hydrogen peroxide therapy?

by Guest61113  |  earlier

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Was thinking about hydrogen peroxide therapy to treat my hep-c. Heard that food grade hydrogen peroxide was what to use,just don't know how much to use or how.Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.




  1. My husband has Hep C and we have kept his liver levels normal with Essiac soft gels by Herbs Etc. He does six weeks on, two weeks off. Take milk thistle and any liver detox capsule you find at a health food store daily. At first, with the liver detox you will go to the bathroom a lot, as you are detoxing. If it is uncomfortable, start with a smaller dose and work your way up. Be careful with the peroxide. A phony naturopath here in Colorado killed someone because he didn't know what he was doing.

  2. hep-c is caused by hep-c virus. Docs say it is difficult to irradicate. Try curcuma and don.t focus your attention on the disease. Wiseman says focussing attention and worrying is the same as praying.

  3. There are a couple of treatments which are considered to be extremely effective for killing viruses* (which conventional medicine is basically unable to do).

    One of them are the oxygenation methods (specifically utilizing peroxide and ozone).  From what I've seen they are tremendously effective, to the point I regularly recommend them to people when they can be applicable.

    Provided either is done properly (mainly in a low concentration), they are completely non toxic and lack negative side effects.

    There are essentially two routes of getting it (ozone or peroxide) into your system.  Drink it, or inject it.  Intravenous injections tend to produce the best and fastest results, but also are more invasive (which many alt med people try to get away from), expensive and require you to see a doctor who specializes in it (which can be quite difficult to find and expensive).  Hence, I'm going to explain the drinking procedure.

    A) go order food grade hydrogen peroxide online (or buy it in a local health food store).

    B) Get a dropper you can use with it (along with gloves).

    C) Remember that under no circumstances should undilluted peroxide come in contact with your body (especially the inside of it).

    D) Get an 8-16 ounce cup of water.

    E) Put 3 drops of H2O2 in it.

    F) Drink it.  If at all possible, do this at least 2 hours away from meals.

    G) Once you've done it, you will either feel the dosage was too strong, or completely fine (different people adjust differently....but it is very rare for someone to not be able to handle 3 drops).

    H) As you do H2O2 drinking, your body will gradually acclimatize to it and become able to handle more.  Hence, you should gradually up the dosage on drop at a time (most people I gave this too felt that +1 drop every 3 days was a good rate, but that's just an have to trust how your body feels).

    I) Eventually you will hit a plateu.  No matter what do not go beyond 10 drops a day (anything beyond this is unnecessary, can cause problems, and  may mean you lack the sensitivity to tell).

    Oftentimes, people will use higher (more stressful) dosages of peroxide if they are facing a grave condition where it's needed immediately, but since Hep C is a virus with a long long incubation period, I think that's uncessary in your cause.  If you drink peroxide enough, it can have a side effect of flushing toxins out of your system.  If this happens, there's nothing bad about it, but you may want to lower the dosage so it hits you at a slower rate.

    Hope that helps.  Just please don't drink 35% peroxide without dilution.  I've had 2 friends that did even after I told them not to 5 times >.<

    *The other 2 I know are colloidal silver and rife frequencies.  Garlic can work, but I'm somewhat ignorant on it's clinical applications/efficacy for viral conditions.

  4. You need to do serious research on this before even thinking about it. If not used appropriately (or even if it is) it can cause serious problems.

  5. Your thinking of doing HP thru an IV? Is this correct? Well next time you have a cut put some hydrogen perxoide on the wound, now imagine that in your blood stream . Its not like you can take it out of your body once you put it into your blood stream.  You cant drink it... so Im thinking Im right. I cant believe people are still doing this treatment. The first time you hear a person scream from the pain when it goes into the blood is a scream you never want to hear.

    Instead you should possibly think about doing things to strengthen your liver, like milk thistle, blood build or VS-C by Natures Sunshine or even 30 ppm Collodial silver 1 tsp per day for a month. But dont take to many vitamins because your body is already stressed the heck out.

  6. Hydrogen Peroxide "therapy" is a scam.  The human body actually invests a lot of energy into producing enzymes to get RID of hydrogen peroxide that is generated as waste as a result of cellular respiration (look up "catalase").

    Yes, immune system cells do use hydrogen peroxide to attack pathogens.  However, they have the chemical carefully sealed in vesicles and only release it under specific conditions.  Injecting oneself with hydrogen peroxide has no therapeutic value.

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