
Hydroponic system for medical marijuana?

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First of all YES it is legal & NO I’m not trying to distribute weed LOL! My husband’s doctor has prescribed medical marijuana to get him off of the oxycontin he’s been on. He has a serious bone disease. According to our State laws we can grow 12 plants as long as only 6 are budding at any given time.

I grow flowers & herbs from seed so I do have a grow light & some heating mats. I thought I would just use that in the closet & figure it out as I went along. I have ZERO experience with growing marijuana.

However, my husband wants to purchase a very expensive system. Even though it’s legal he says he would feel more comfortable having a hidden growing area since we live in an apartment. These units are disguised as either a locker, a stereo speaker, or a PC hard drive. The one he likes is $1200 and he wants to buy two of them.

In your opinion is it worth it? Aside from disguising it . . . would it help an amateur like me to grow it more successfully?

Here’s the website for the unit he wants:




  1. Mind you, I am now weed smoker but I did take horticulture. If you are using it as a medication (legally) then growing it in your closet would be fine.

    Ebay has some really good systems for hydropinics. They are small grower and are usually glass cased and come with the growing lights, theremometers and everything else you could possibly need. I don't know if a speaker or locker would work. LOL...Atleast if some one robbed you they would get caught with the weed too...NO OFFENSE. but think about would be double trouble for them.

    Seriously though, consider checking out ebay. They have some that are great. they also have some that look like one of those rubbermaid tubs with the lids and you could stick it in the closet, the laundry room ect and no one would know what it was!

    The Guide to Gardening

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  2. You'll be much better off using the money to buy marijuana at one of the many retail "clubs".  You'll find that it takes alot more know-how that you probably have time for.  Not to say that you could grow a few plants in containers on a porch or something.  Also, it'll take months to harvest ANYTHING.  

    Do you rent or own?  Be prepared for neighbors to smell the odor of ripening marijuana and expect to deal with the local authorities.  If you rent, you'd best inform your landlord of your intentions beforehand.  Otherwise, legal or illegal, you may find yourself out on the street with a pre-mature crop :)

    Point is- think it through.

    PS.  and remember, the "feds" don't support these state laws- in case your neighbor is gov't-employed.

  3. Jeffrey DeMarco had a system years ago for this. It was in all the High Times magazines. Of course in the garden magazines it showed tomatoes being grown instead and strangely enough a scantily clad female was always draped over it.

    I have no idea what that had to do with the system but Google his name. You may find some links to the system he was selling. i know that they're still out there and I think you'll find it considerably cheaper than what you're looking at.

  4. Good move to get off the Oxy, my buddy is outpatient rehabbing and he takes some pill to help out. The hydro system is tuff for a beginner and you'll probably s***w it up 2/3 thru the cycle. You have to clean them a lot too, there is no set it and forget it system. Find a supplier in the mean time till you get the hang of it. I would get a 600 wt Sodium and some Promix and use the soil. Find some clones too, just inquire with some friends or make some new ones. If you are out west you should be able to find some people in the same circumstance, ask your Dr., he knows someone to help out at least. Good luck. Take care.

  5. This is going to sound bad but, Pot growers are some of the smartest people I have ever met.  They can make a grow system out of almost anything.  And as cheap as possible too.  Try to get a copy of High Times Magazine.  Or try looking up some of their past articles.  Also just do a search of "weed growing systems"  I know it sounds bad when you say "weed" but that's what they go by.  I would go for a system because it will help out a beginner. But I don't think I would go for one that is $1200 each.  You would be amazed at where you can out a small system and still have it grow well.  If you need more help, drop me a line.

  6. Areoponics is the way, i am a medical marijuana patient and have been growing for 2 years, as with anything new it is trial and error. No it is not cheaper to just go buy, or safer for that matter. Try purchasing the indoor growers bible great book with many options on how to grow indoors! good luck!

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