
Hygiene question-are we all washing our hands enough?

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are you concerned that many people simply disregard such a simple step like washing our hands more often can eradicate a good number of diseases ,or certainly lessen the spores?




  1. Agree with Matthew - was just about to write the same!

    Germ less society is causing all sorts of problems - including rise in allergies and asthma

    the only time really important is in hospitals cause mrsa and other super bugs etc  

  2. Of course its a concern, can you honestly say that when you eat at a restaurant you don't wonder whether the cook has washed his hands after going to the loo and before cooking your meal. The whole idea though is mind blowing and we would never eat out or go to public toilets or sleep in hotels etc etc.  

  3. As the saying goes "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" but in these times of ungodliness I guess we should forget that.

    I agree that hand-washing is a must.

  4. I probably wash my hands far too often.  I just wish hospital staff washed their hands more.

  5. i see so many women in public toilets not wash their hands. its filthy. they even know i'm watching them walk out with S****y hands and they don't care.

    All those women i've seen: you're nasty and diseased

  6. no I think its the other way round.

    by keeping too clean we are making ourselves ill.

  7. I am very concerned that many people don't wash there hands. It's  so disgusting I hate the sight of it. Its not like they don't know that they have to wash there hands they just cant be bothered.  

  8. i wish i would think about that stuff because now i have pin-worms ._.

  9. You know what - sometimes I've opted for not washing my hands simply because some public toilets and basins are too dirty.  My theory is that I would probably pick up something nasty from merely turning the tap off.  I always carry a bottle of gel hand wash with me though for these occasions.  I have noticed that many people do leave public toilets without even attempting to wash their hands.  I even saw a pub chef do this recently - yuk!    Some public toilets are definitely the kind where you just don't touch anything, balance yourself above the loo, use tissue to flush the handle and open the door with your foot!

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