
Hyothetical question: 10 points for the most thought provoking answer!!!?

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Many people believe that our nation is already greatly overpopulated with regards to our limited natural resources and fragile environment. Do you agree that Congress should create a National Population Policy? If so, what would you recommend as its chief goals? If not, how do you propose we solve this problem?




  1. Though the population density is high in this country,we have ample human resource & abondon natural resources. The need of the time is to generate employment by rapid industrialisation, giving  investor friendly environment. Frame policies for better education & family welfare.Adopt concrete steps to erradicate poverty,and raise the per capita income.Provide cheap & affordable medical facility to all sections of the society.Direct foreign investment & upgradation of technology in existing industries can play a vital role in this regard.

  2. kick all illegal immigrants out of the couintry

    Like Mexico does

    look what we are saving - our $5/hr jobs that they take

    costs us $30,000 a year in medical and school

    not to mention the IRS gives them their refund back (under poverty level) and EIC payment on top of that

    we have outsmarted ourselves

    and to boot,

    the Dems now want to increase the taxes on retirement to help

    "spread the wealth" to these poor immigrants

    rats - let them take a 50% cut in pay -

    name one Senator or Congressman who is NOT a Millionaire

    Jose, Can You Si?

  3. To arrest the problem temporarily stop any form of immigration.

    However, it is only a temporary solution.

    In 200 years there will be that many more people in the world.

    Our resources are finite.  We already worry about water.

    I don't believe there is any solution that any government could come up with.

    Everything Government's implement is a bandaid solution.

    Wait and see.................I am right.

    The lack of resources will result in wars and people being killed but the amount of people being killed either by war or by other people individually because of the necessity to drink or to eat, will not be enough to stop population growth.

    I feel we will jump from one environmental/climactic disaster to another.

    Look at Africa.

    Look at China.

    Look at England.

    Look at global warming.  Seas will rise thereby creating less land mass for the ever-increasing world population to live on.

    Pollution in humanity's ever-driven desire to produce more cars, technology.

    There will be an eventual breakdown in banks, schools, law, government.

    I just know this will happen.

    Seriously, this is food for thought.

    Anyone wanting to email me


  4. there are 6 billion people on the earth!

  5. No way, this lends itself to euthanasia and assisted suicide as a common way of life sometime in the dark distant future.

  6. my opinion, as an outsider with some basic knowledge, is that your country has the potential of being resourceful enough to offer proper living conditions for the population without the need of a NPP. take for instance the mere surface, plus the variety on environments. the two most populated countries on the globe are smaller as surface, and China has an immense economical power (everything is made in China :) ) but have up to 4x the population. true, US has a 0.89% growth in population (EU has 0.16 but then again we are old and bored) however i do  not think NPP is necessary.

    as for the solution for the problem - i see that it's greatly based on import. from China :) the environment - use cars that cause less damage; greatly, the fault for these damages belongs not to each individual (but still!) but to large i guess stricter policies for their activity and substance emissions.

  7. China tried the one-child-per-family policy to deal with this problem, and it led to worse social consequences. If we invest more seriously in mass education and think-tanks, our people will become smart enough to create the best socio-economy to give a better quality of life for all. We will then see the sense of individually managing family growth; while intelligent government achieves national food security.

  8. Natural resources and fragile environment is caused by WHAT the American population does with it not so much the sheer number of people involved. You may of heard that the USA is biggest waster of foods, plastics, cars all things that you don't need (in proportion, of course you need food). Americans and westerners consume so much material c**p that it exhausts natural resources. Just compare eastern and western spending on resources. The recent rise of rich in previously poor nations like India and china put more pressure on resources once only used by rich westerns like gold, metals, and luxury goods .

    The solution will be found in reducing the MATERIALISM not the people. Trying to reduce a population will only come of as some kinda of fascist code that will end with governments playing god of who should live in the USA.

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