Being an ignoramus as usual, I was eating a lemon today along with drinking some coca cola. And carbonic acid and citric acid mixed together did not do too well with my teeth. They became hypersensitive, so I thought that brushing my teeth might neutralize the acids - thus getting rid of the problem. And I brushed them pretty vigorously. That was my second mistake. The pain (like when you bite into ice-cream, but only incredibly intensified) consequently became worse, so I decided to look it up and saw that brushing after contact with highly acidic substances was EXACTLY the wrong thing to do. Apparently, it may cause direct damage to the tooth enamel.
So... I've rinsed out my mouth (bearing with the occasional sly excruciating lightning bolt of pain zapping the left side of my front teeth) and taken some Ponstan (pain-killer). The pain has gone but they still seem hypersensitive. What have I done wrong and what should I do now? The pain will obviously come back... or not?