
Hypocritical McCain?

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A few weeks ago, McCain was giving speeches to the International community in Colombia and Mexico. This week Obama did the same in Berlin.

McCain (on the news)said Obama shouldn't be focusing on giving speeches outside the US until after he wins the election....but wasn't McCain doing the exact same thing both in Canada last month (to support NAFTA) and Colombia/Mexica a few weeks ago (regarding free trade agreements)?

Is he just jealous because he didn't get as much support as Obama?

Isn't it a good sign that the international community stands behind Obama? The whole of the American economy is centered on other countries...everything comes from China, Guam, Indonesia, Taiwan (etc) and foreign cars from Europe and Japan....try and find something made in America. Wouldn't we want a president that has found favor among other countries, considering we are dependent on them for everything except fast food?




  1. The entire international community doesn't stand behind Obama. Please don't insult us that.

  2. MCAIN SUX!!!

    GO OBBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. No, I'm concerned with what "Obama" is about.


  5. Always remember, Politician=hypocrite.

  6. McCain is jealous, because Obama IS going to win!

  7. national credibility and respect are for liberal wimps!

  8. McCain and the rest of the Republicans have nothing to hang their hats on except spinning their lies in hopes of convincing enough people to keep them in or vote them into office this November.

    Their miserable record of the last eight years speaks for itself. There is going to be reckoning with all the thug right wingers getting thrown out of office. Obama in 08
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