
Hypoglycemia + Obesity? how possible? How explain it?

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my mom has Hypoglycemia (0.56 g/l), and obesity (BMI = 38) .. she s not diabetic, and she is not following any diet she eats normally (fat, meat, cookies..).. how explain hypoglycemia of an obese person?





  1. Hypoglycemia is the opposite of diabetes: insulin secretion in the body more than necessary, resulting in excessive insulin to glucose from the blood contained, the glucose can not leave enough to provide the necessary vigor. Low blood sugar will not be fatal, but could make it hard to. No person may be affected by diabetes suffering from low blood sugar, insulin injections diabetics if the time and physical needs of inconsistency, the same will Hypoglycemia symptoms.

  2. Hypoglycemia is not related to body size.

    ALL bodies need some sugar to  operate.  Sugar (Glucose) is the fuel that our bodies need to run.  if you have too little fuels (glucose) then you get hypoglycemic.  Hypoglycemia is dangerous!  It can cause you to pass out.  if you pass out while driving, you could kill someone or yourself.  In serious cases, the hypoglycemic changes could cause the person to pass out, go into a coma, and die.

    Insulin is a hormone needed to help sugar pass from the blood into the cells.  Insulin is made by the pancreas.  In a diabetic, the pancreas makes little (or no) insulin.  Therefore, the sugar builds up in the blood, and does HUGE amouns of damage.

    But like any other internal organ, the pancreas CAN be "over productive" [hyper-active] producing MORE insulin that it needs.  This would produce hypoglycemia, and possibly obesity.

    Your mother should have the doctor do the necessary blood tests to measure her insulin levels.  She might have very high insulin, which could be the sign of a more serious disease.

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