
Hypoglysemic issues?

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i play volleyball and i have hypoglycimia. i only found out about a month ago and i have no clue what to eat to keep me from crashing at long day camps




  1. As a fellow sufferer of hypoglycemic symptoms, I have found that limiting simple carbohydrates (refined sugars, pasta, high fructose corn syrup, breads etc...) and consuming more protein-based meals with complex carbs (fruits and veggies) has helped me. This doesn't mean I never indulge my sweet tooth, I just make better choices. There are a lot of really great sugar alternatives (ie. Splenda) that have the sugar taste without the side effect of fatigue. Lastly, get tested to see if you have any food allergies (ie. wheat/gluten), sometimes the symptoms of hypoglycemia are simply a symptoms to another condition. Homeopath/naturopathic practitioners are really great at this.

    At your camp, why don't you take some high protein, lower carb protein bars with you to snack on? Oh, and stay away from most energy drinks. 99% of them are full of sugar.

  2. You should be following a diabetic diet...even though it may seem it is the reverse problem, sugar is not properly used in your body either...sugar will make you crash...stay 5 or 6 small meals a day...the number of bread, protein, milk, fruit and vegatable servings depends on your s*x and should discuss your exact requirements with a dr. or ditician...a tuna fish pita, or some cottage cheese right before camp and possibly a protein bar as a snack during the day may help you...any high sugar food such as juice or granola bars should be avoided...I have mild hypoglysemia, my sister has it very severely, we had a specialist and dietician most of our lives...if she has sugar you can really see the effect, if I do I just get a little tired...

    Please call your doctor (I think fruit juice is one of the worst things you can do...your doctor should at least be able to refer you to some good websites)

  3. If you need to get your blood sugar up quickly and keep it up,

    drink orange juice.  Quick-acting and easy to keep handy.

  4. you need to eat 3 balanced meals a day, plus 3 snacks. The meals need to consist of lots of fruits and vegetables, fiber, and protein. Stay away from chips, donuts, cakes, etc. Drink alot of water, and at least 1 glass of 100% juice and 3 glasses of milk every day. There are lots of good things you can eat for snacks without going junk food. Good luck to you. I am also hypoglycimic, but I, unfortunately have never been able to give up my addiction to junk food.
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