
Hypothetical: If I stole your wallet with 50 dollars in it and returned it the next day with 1 thousand...?

by  |  earlier

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...dollars instead, would you still be upset with me ?

Thanks for your answers .




  1. yes i would rather keep my wallet with 50 dollars without being stolen

  2. No,I would not be mad.It's in my purse,have at it!

  3. hah, id be like wtheck ? but id be super thankful .

  4. The door is unlocked. I'll leave my wallet right beside it.

  5. I don't care about the money but the "method" leaves something to be desired.  How 'bout I keep my $50 and you keep your $950 to give away legitimately to...hummm...anyone but me?

  6. Of course not dear, I will treat you in Hawaii..^^ But you may be upset after the flight cause it may have to cost more! <3<<^^

    No worry, Be happy!

  7. First I'd be relieved that I got my license and insurance and credit cards back ... then if you put extra money in it I'd surely forgive you .

  8. I would be much relieved to get my wallet back...check the contents and give you back the extra money.   I'd thank you for bringing it back,  not knowing that it was you who stole it in the first , unless you told me so!  Even then I would thank you but would be very careful with you around in future.  Trust once broken is difficult to rebuild...

  9. No but yes. First of all , you should'nt have stole my wallet .

  10. Yes, I would be upset with you. Because it was a violation. I would want to know why you took it. I would be glad that you brought it back. If you were a friend that trust would be damaged. So don't steal my wallet okay. In fact I had my wallet taken a little over a month ago. I was able to find it but it was such a hassle in the mean time.  As far as the 1000 bucks, I would rather be able to trust someone than have a extra 1000 bucks. But I do have to ask one question, was the taking of the wallet for the sole purpose of helping me out, because you knew I needed help. Because that would be different. Hypothetically speaking.

  11. yes i would    in fact i would be so happy   i would buy you your own wallet to steel   so that way you wont half to steel outhers    plus i think it would be a realy good lesson on spending your money wisley!!!!!!

  12. Most definitely, just for the fact that you stole.  I don't tolerate thieves.

  13. Yes. But doesnt matter, as long as u returned my wallet. About the money, wont bother me, its not gonna happen. If u have so much money n want to give me US$950, why would u steal my wallet anyway? Integrity cant be bought. So keep ur money and more,u can have my 50 buck too. Coz i have US$10.000 in my account.

  14. i would be upset but i wouldn't report you for theft

  15. It would depend on which country currency.

    If you stole my US$50 and return Zimbabwe $1000,000,000 notes.

    I would definitely sent you to the police.

  16. I think it would depend on what else had happened with my wallet, I mean "hypthetically speaking" you could have used my wallet to get a loan for 10k, kept 9k and put the 1k of my own money back in my wallet...

    or copied my identify for even worse debt related problems

    or used my id to commit a crime

    barring all those kinds of things if it was a random act of kindness

    I'm sure I could forgive it lol

  17. random acts of kindness scare me...and this would too. i would think the money was drug money you're planting on me, or that it was covered in a poisonous substance, or anything of that nature. i can't trust a thief, so i can't trust the money either

  18. you are a thief  !! can I accept that ?

    good luck  

  19. Interesting question dear. Yes, at first I would be upset that you stole my wallet. When I first realized it was gone, I would have freaked because I have such important documents and things in my wallet. I am sure I would have been past the point of tears and at a high intensity of emotions when I realized it was gone. Stealing something is not excusable, even if you return it 24 hours later with additional funds.

    When you returned it the next day my first priority would be question why did you steal it, if you returned it with $950 extra the next day? The next thing I would ask you is how much did you rack up or take out of my credit cards/ checking account for guilt to give me $950 back. I cannot think of any situation off hand that would really be a justified reason to take $50 and my wallet and then give $950 extra the next day, but who knows-- something could of popped up.

    I would then give you the $950 back and tell you to keep your money and learn a lesson in life on the morals of stealing. Would I like $950? Yes, but not in that circumstance. I would rather teach a lesson and pass on the value of not taking something that is not yours and causing stress to another individual, rather than keep the money and give you a reason to feel that what you did was okay.

  20. I would mind upon your acting like that. Stealing my wallet upsets me in any way. If one wants to give me a thousand USD, he could give it to me without stealing my wallet.

    Besides, in my wallet I don't have just 50 dollars... I have other personal official documents - like my ID-, or a love note from George Clooney, or the telephone number of Jude Law and  I would not want any one else to see without asking me first.

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