
Hypothetical: If your loved one said that he/she was a spy working for the enemy what would you do ?

by  |  earlier

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Remember .. .. you love this person more than you love yourself .




  1. I will give him a very warm hug and a kiss, With tears I may not resist..

    I will try to make him stop what he does, But if he will be stubborn then it will be my defeat..

    I will be with him no matter what.

    In his victory and misery..

  2. idk. who's the enemy? i really wanna answer this question but idk who the enemy is so i kinda cant. so plz tell me and i'll edit and put my answer!!



    u didn't say so i guess i'm just going to come up with one my own haha but yup i would either join them or just let them be and stand by their side the whole way through..!

  3. Haha one of my best friends actually told me that, and she said that the nerofen she gave me wasnt really nerofen, but we both knew it was.  just a big joke.

    I would probably not care.  if you love them, thats enough right?

  4. There wouldn't be any other choice but to love them. But realize that you are the accomplice and that is something that you have no control over.

    Unless, you turn them into the authorities. That would be your choice.

  5. I would join the enemy with him

  6. I would find out as much as I could about what they were doing and why. If I agreed with it, I would leave with them and get out of the country.

  7. MY loved one? a spy??

    haha, how ridiculous!!

    I have know idea what you are talking about...


    I mean,

    Huh?What loved one??

  8. tell her just to leave and stop telling silly stories

  9. I wouldn't believe her... I would simply turn round and ask her why she is unnecessarily trying to scare me...... because if what she said were to be true, she would never have disclosed it to me!!

  10. i'd cut her throat and move on in life keeping my head high with pride and the feeling that i did'nt let my heart take over my mind

  11. as the saying goes if ya cant beat 'em join 'em!!!!

  12. I live in australia. How much do we have to hide?

    I'd probably recommend she find a hobby to fill in the rest of her time.

  13. Question:  Do I love her enough to join her?  Or just enough to report her to the appropriate authority to stop her from going deeper?

  14. I've come to accept that enemies do not exist.  There are only egos & a$$holes. Perhaps this is merely hope blinding me from the truth.

  15. I would sleep with my enemy.



  16. nothing gets in the way of a spy mission. id have to make passionate love to her one more the cyanide made its way thru her kiss her farewell and shoot the grappling hook from my watch and zip off to the next building as i think of the good times we had. unfortunately she'd be a lost memory a few weeks later when veronica stahlin enters the room....

  17. One thing I have realised in life as I advance that there is a great chasm between theory and practice.  So whatever I say here could be far removed from what I would actually do.

    So,  I will cross the bridge when come to.  I cannot predict my emotions.  I may kill us both but then again I may not.

  18. I would kiss him passionately,probably in tears............and then I'm not sure,depends who he was working for.

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