
Hypothetical Question for Muslims? ?

by Guest66730  |  earlier

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Considering Muslims believe that Adam was a Muslim and that Islam always existed then what would the Muslims follow if the quran was not revealed and Muhammad was not born?




  1. When Allaah willed something , there is no chance for hypothesis !

    EDIT ; " My 'god' as ... " I thought your an Atheist !?! looooz

  2. Well, I WOULD answer the question but to be honest it's a tad strange.

  3. what would the Muslims follow if the quran was not revealed and Muhammad was not born?

    By definition, muslim would follow what Lord of Heavn and earth wanted them to follow. It does not matter name of the Book is Quran and name of the Prophet is Mohammed.

    What is important to us..

    Book was revealed by Lord of Heaven and earth

    and the man was chosen by Lord of Heaven and earth

    However, I was exptecting some intelligent question from someone who think so critically..

    To futher you knowledge about Islam, we believe that the early Prophets and their true followers as muslims.

  4. Islamic monotheism always exsisted my friend.

    EDIT: Well Allah created Adam with the knowlege of Monotheism did he not?

    EDIT: No, I don't wonder anyway. I think people should take the time to get to know the individual not judge the group, if that's how you do it, then fine. But for me, I decide my opinions of people on who they are. =)

    EDIT: Several. My father for one. My sister and my eldest brother. And 3 of my closest friends. Several of my not closets friends.......... That enough?

  5. The people before Muhammad saw's time had scriptures from the Torah, Bible, Psalms etc. They were Allah's books. But we don't believe in them now because they have been changed. We still had guidance before the Quran was revealed.

  6. There is NO question..... only two question marks

  7. are you an implicit or explicit atheist?


    i want to know which type of atheism do you follow so i know how to reply to your questions, "Address people in the language they can understand"


    if you noticed i said type not sect,,

  8. There is one deen(way of life) that is ISLAM(submitting to Allah).

    Hope then the previous scriptures not corrupted,so there we will follow islam by previous prophet(jesus).

    Or may sivaite/ vaishnavite/ buddhistas I am in india.

  9. the word  muslim's meaning "one who submits to God"

    therefor not only Adam was a muslim , but all the prophets that came after him and all the people that followed their prophets were also muslims .

    because all the prophets peace be upon him , including Adam , Jesus , Moses and Ibrahim called their people for the same call , to worship one god , and one god only and to obey his commands.

    for your Q. muslims dont only believe in Mohamed peace be upon him , but also in all the prophets that came before him .

    so as a muslim i cant say that i believe in Mohamed but not in Jesus or Moses , peace be upon them all , i wont be a muslim or a believer then .

  10. No hypothetical discussion in Islam.

    Islam says "If", is the word of Shaitan, that may misguide Humans.

  11. Assuming that we are were living before the 7th century and depending on where you lived, we would either be following the true message of Jesus (pbuh) since he was the last messenger before the advent of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) or if we were in Arabia, we would be following Abraham (pbuh)

  12. don't ask them intelligent questions. only draw a cartoon then they will understand

  13. That's not a hypothetical question just so you know. Anyway your question is so simple to answer that I don't think you even realize it. Islam basically means submitting yourself to the one true God, Adam was a Muslim because he did so,  even the early Christians were technically Muslim because they submitted to God. The early Christian followed the correct way of God but now in this time since the Bible has been proven to be corrupt we can't say they are Muslim because they are not submitting themselves to God but rather to Jesus who was neither son nor God but simply a messenger of Allah. Before Islam the correct way of spirituality was first Judaism and then Christianity so the Torah and the Bible were true revelations from God but people starting adding and removing things from these books which made them corrupt that is why Islam came and promised us that the holy Qu'ran will remain free from corruption and after 1400 years the Qu'ran is yet to be changed by its pronounciation.  

  14. We would follow God and his Messenger that came before him,

    Jesus Christ(peace be upon him)

    why are you giving me hypothetical questions??

    have you ran out of questions,

    this question is so silly that if i ask you that what would happen if you weren't born through your present mother and your father would have been different??

    who would have been your parents??

    and don't say Pitt and Jolie

  15. simple answer they have followed that religion of adam who else?

  16. I would follow the last holly book

    because it would be protected by god from being changed by humans.

    Islam is the last religion for all humans on earth it is protected form being changed .......if islam was not the last religion then the christianniti would be the last

    and it would be in the correct way without any change or minipulation by humans.

    then my  answer is

    I would follow christianiti.

  17. Well, by "Muslim", we mean that he was submitting his will to God. I don't think that what the previous prophets had followed was the exact same form of Islam as today. I think change (maybe minor) have occurred for every nation.

    Anyways, for you question, I believe people would be in deep trouble as the only thing that would be left for us would be the Bible. Every people (not all the people, you know) at their time followed what was revealed to them. That's why the people who lived before the prophet's time are called by the name "Ahlul-Fitrah" because they only had possible remains of the messages sent down to Moses and Jesus (pbuh) and not the exact ones.

  18. Hypothetical questions are probably not perceived well by Muslims because in Islam we firmly believe in destiny.  There are no ifs, buts or hypotheticals because everything is exactly how Allah intended it to be.  


  19. didn't Allah menction in quran that i will complete your dean to day, and choose islam for you, islam was existing always, quran in the hidiaa for man kind, and its contain the instruction for daily life how to spent time and life and how to be relate to one another, Allah is the same Allah who create Adam, he is the same Allah who create ibrahim, them mr xyz why in the world you are arguing that is Adam was muslim, and without quran how the people was muslim, turah was from Allah, zabuur was from Allah, ingieel, was from Allah sahieffe ws from Allah and in the LAST QURAN comes through angel gabriel, on prophit Muhammad in 23 years, and finish in month of ramadan, mr  who asl that question whats wrong with you for God sake why you wana be the endhun of h**l fire why are you placing your self in h**l fire by saying or wuestioning that Adam was muslim or ,,,,,,,,,,,. reas sura noor, Allah exist always, he choose islam as our religion, quran comes on this world after 500 years of bibble, mr please i pray for you Allah will guide you before the time comes and angels of h**l will drag you to the pits of fire, hope this should not happen may Allag guide you, amin

  20. Previous Holy Books were valid untill Islam. Definitely The Bible!

  21. bah nvm the stupid answers. sometime ppl think that they can act retarded by the name of Islam and insulte Islam by their actions.

    well , what is Islam?

    isnt it believing in Allah. being good to other ppl.trying to make the world a better place and helping others?

    Islam is not what you are, its who you are.

    you can call yourself a Muslim. but be an awful person that treats everyone badly and is unjust to others.

    and you can call yourself a christian, yet be nice to others and help as much as you can.

    who's the Muslim in that?

    most probably we would have to follow the bible.  

  22. Lol, its simple

    the establishment of the religion of islam was when Muhammad (saw) recieved the word but islam, the righteous thruth or the word of God has been there all along, being preached by all prophets. islam is simply the word of God and muslim is someone that beleaves in the true word of god and not a atwisted version of it (chritianity, judaism)

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