
Hypothetical: Would you rather kill someone and have nobody know of it, or, be falsely accused of murder.

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*Falsely CONVICTED of murder. That might be a better qualifier. Another part of the hypothetical is that you cannot tell anyone that you've murdered somebody in the first scenario. In the second part, you will likely rot in prison, and even if you are released will never again lead a normal life




  1. well the first one is difficult if you kill in self defense you are still right in the eyes of god! For the second I can see someone being accused to protect someone they love if it was self defense, so I would choose the latter.

  2. Interesting moral question. I'll tell you this much it sure would be h**l to spend a life in jail for no good reason. On the other hand the guilt would be unbearable. Perhaps it would be easier to rationalize a horrible crime over the long term than deal with an unjust sentence? Is this an easy way out-probably? See Dostoevsky for details.

  3. Falsely accused, At least I'm innocent before God.

  4. I'd rather be falsely convicted. I'll hire a lawyer, say I'm not guilty, and, if all else fails, try and escape prison. There is no way that I'd be able to kill anyone in cold blood or live with myself afterwards.

  5. NONE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED. Why would I kill someone for? And why in the world for? Of course it is natural for people who just killed someone either accident or otherwise to hide or tell nobody of it. But always, the truth shall set us free in the long run. NO CRIME IS HIDDEN FOREVER, just like every body says WHERE THERE IS SMOKE THERE'S FIRE.

    Neither falsely accuse of something like murder I didn't commit, DO NOT LIKE IT EITHER. Your bit of questions are eccentric or a  little bit odd for a guy like you. WHY WOULD YOU ASKED A NEGATIVE QUESTION and thinking you will get a POSITIVE ANSWERS. When you asked a negative one obviously you will also get a negative response too.

    IF THE QUESTION IS like for example, IN ICE CREAM WHAT DO YOU PREFER -CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? That is much more welcome as a question not like yours which some how kind of a SINISTER in nature.

    People do not like to answer these type of questioning esp. pertaining to ourselves. It is like asking WHICH DEATH DO YOU LIKE -BEING SLAUGHTERED TO PIECES or BEING DROWNED IN A PIT OF MUD or LEFT IN THE CAGE FULL OF  deadly COBRA'S? As if ALICE COOPER is asking the question. Welcome to our nightmare!!!!!

  6. The first one.

    To the guy above me:  lighten up dude!

  7. pfft.

    If i'm getting accused of something i mind as well do it.

    God doesn't exist, and ethics are man made meaning that in the animal kingdom, we are the only species that would feel bad for killing someone.

  8. Dude if your accused there will be no evidence, If you kill someone one day you'll be in bed and and the door'll burst open and look who it is: DOG the bounty hunter

  9. My answer is;

    If I need to kill someone. There will never be a trace.

  10. I'd kill someone because whoever I chose to kill would be someone really evil.

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