
Hypothetical interview question for a teacher? "What would you do if.....?"?

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Hypothetical interview question for a teacher? "What would you do if.....?"?




  1. they did away with No Child Left Behind!

  2. whatever it takes.

  3. A friend who was interviewed for a position in the Orleans Recovery School District was asked what she would do if on the first day her classroom had no desks, pencils, or papers.  

    A seemingly ridiculous question when the real issue is what would you do if  a student in your 10th grade class was on a second grade reading level and was wanted by the police in connection to a felony investigation.  

    By the way, my friend did not take the job.

  4. .... you could actually discipline a student and didn't have to fear a lawsuit from a parent that couldn't give a c**p less whether their child learned a d**n thing?"

  5. you found yourself with out any text books?

    a fight broke out in the classroom?

    you catch a student cheating or stealing?

    you found you have extra time in your classroom?

  6. a student make a romantic pass at you?

  7. a fire broke out in the classroom and blocked the door?

    a student accused you of child abuse?

  8. What would you do if the English team uses certain novel and you happen to dislike it.  Would you still follow the curriculum or how would you persuade others for something better (leadership skills)?

  9. if you had unlimites resources,

    if you could introduce a course that this school doesn't teach, what would it be

  10. Damed if you do, damned if you don't...

    so may as well or

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