
Hypothetical policing question

by  |  earlier

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If the police drove through your neighborhood at 5 MPH every night at midnight with their sirens at full blast because they believed that the noise scared away the criminals, would that be acceptable to you?

Why or why not?




  1. NO! I would call the sergeant to complain. They can't do this because they are disturbing the peace, which is something they are supposed to protect us from.


  2. Cops cant drive in residential areas with their lights n sirens on unless its an emergency..n even at that they usually omit the sirens. They can only use sirens on main streets.

    Now, to answer your question, no it would not be acceptable b/c obviously id probably be trying to sleep n it would p**s me off!  

  3. Besides annoying everyone around I doubt it'd be acceptable to the officer/s in the vehicle who'd get tired of it very very quickly...

    Do you really think it'd scare criminlas away? It'd simply allow criminals to know that the Police were in a certain area and not in another area...or that they'd left a certain area etc.

    It's more of detterant that criminals don't know where or when police will turn up.

    Over using lights/sirens makes everyone used to them and therefore ignore them when they're actually needed...

  4. I'm sure most people would say no due to the noise and lights that police sirens make.

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