
Hypothetical question about parking blocks.?

by  |  earlier

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lets just say, someone i know... parked a truck in an illegal spot... then came back to find a boot on the wheel, then proceded to pull the cutting torch out of the bed and cut the boot to pieces... would you be in real trouble when they figure out who it was? like "destroying gov't property" or something? or just pay a fine?




  1. Your friend will more than likely be hearing from some official and will probably have to pay for the boot as well as a ticket. The person who attatched the boot would have written down all the information on the truck such as company name, truck number, icc numbers, license plate, etc. You friend should have called the police before trying to move the truck.

  2. Yes.................

    Removing or attempting to remove a boot will result in the vehicle being cited for Altering, defacing, removing, or destroying any official control device or immobilizing device and is illegal.

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