
Hypothetical question: you have just been elected president. You get a 3 AM phone call.?

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It is your national security adviser. He informs you that there has just been a nuclear explosion in Tel Aviv, Israel. A million people are estimated to be dead. No one is taking responsibililty. How do you respond?




  1. If you are Obama, remember he said he will always take the side of the Muslims in his book.

  2. organize humanitarian aid, and offer assistance in investigating what happened.

    & ya, the Presidency is an ON-CALL job

    too bad Bush doesn't understand that,

    after being told "America is under attack"

    he continued to sit in a school room and do NOTHING.

    I'd call that Criminal dereliction of DUTY!

  3. You're fired!

    If America isn't under attack, the sectary of defense or ambassador to Israel will handle it.  

    These continence plans have been all laid out in advance.

  4. by helping isreal find out who is responsible.... or if they hit them selves with one of there own nukes just like our government hit our own towers

  5. i would attack iraq.  oh, yeah, we already attacked iraq.  well, i would attack iraq some more, just for good measure.

  6. bomb bomb bomb IRAN Bomb bomb bomb IRAN.

    Turn the whole region into a glass factory.

    Besides it easier to export glass then oil.

  7. I send help for anyone still alive.

  8. Why is 3AM such a critcle time. If it aint an immedate threat on USA I tell them say a prayer and I will talk in between 9am and 5pm.

  9. I would contact the Israeli ambassador and offer any humanitarian and intelligence assistance they request.

  10. Sit there reading "My Pet Goat " to a bunch of 1st graders.

    1) Put your military on high alert.

    2) Bring in all of your top middle-astern advisers

    3) Begin the process of finding out who was responsible.

    4) Take military action as needed.

    If you are George Bush you just invade a country that you don't like that has oil and hold them responsible.

  11. As soon as that happens we're all gone anyway. A nuclear explosion will cause immediate reactions in China, Israel, India, Russia and Pakistan.

  12. I'd jump up, put on my bunny slippers, grab my robe, have a cuppa, ask my national security adviser to locate Bush or McCain to see if they were somehow responsible. If they weren't I'd then blame Chavez.

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