
Hypothetical situation: if you came across a guy standing on the ledge of a tall building?

by  |  earlier

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and he was about to jump

and there was nobody else around but you

what would you say to him? if anything?




  1. i would get up there with him (if possible, get him at least to step off the ledge and onto the roof) and try to talk to him and see whats wrong and ask him if i can help in anyway and even if he said no i would talk to him and try to help anyway you know i couldn't just let it go..!


  2. So tell me why do you want to do that?

    Chances are, if it is important enough to cause him to jump, he would want to talk about it first.

  3. don't do it man! there's so many things you haven't done yet. things may seem bad now but they'll get better. when your at the absolute bottom, the only way to go is up.

  4. I would have to ask him why both of us are standing on the ledge in the first place.

  5. ..."I can help. Either way. If you are absolutely sure you want to go ahead with this, I am pushing you over right now; otherwise, take my hand."

  6. I would say nothing.  I'd get as close as I could.....make eye contact.....and hold out my hand......I'd silently pray that HE would do the talking and I would keep my mouth shut until God Himself put the words needed to call the man back from the ledge.

  7. Room for two out there? Then I'd let him convince me not to jump, after I got a long talking to.

  8. i would ask him what was up.  hopefully he'd share with me and get distracted and come inside

  9. depends on who the man is

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