
Hypothetically,...If u were recently diagnosed w/ a terminal form of cancer, would u still wed in 2009?

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You've been with your partner for 4 long beautiful years and have a small child together; soul mates & best friends in every way.

Would u want to him find someone else & request that he move on?




  1. This is a decision he has to make, not me.  I can't decide for him what's best for him, or what he's willing to go through.

    Interestingly, I was diagnosed with cancer part way into our courtship (we were an exclusive couple, but not engaged, and he could have easily broken it off).  I would not have blamed him one iota if he left, but he decided that our relationship was worth seeing it through, whatever that meant.  It turns out my cancer was caught early, and I'm doing fine, no reason to think it will come back.  But it might.  And he married me anyway.  He decided to risk that for himself because our relationship means so much to him: whatever time we have together is precious to him, whether it be 5 years or 50.  I can't decide the value of our relationship for him.

  2. i would tell him that i have the terminal disease and that it's possible that i wouldn't wake up one day & then give him the choice if he wanted to take that risk .

  3. absolutely not.  get married asap so you live your last days just the way you wanted to.  married to the man you love.  and if he loves you, he would be nothing less than offended if you even tried to suggest that he 'moves on'  good luck

  4. No, I wouldn't wait that long. I'd want to be married asap!

  5. if ther is a mutual liking and awareness on both sides why in 2009 wed in 2008

    live happily th rest of life

  6. Absolutely, I would marry still!! Get married sooner! Small, intimate, and enjoy every day together until death do you part...

    I would request that he move on after I leave this world...but until then he's all mine...

  7. Absolutely categorically not. If you love someone you marry them irregardless of how long you may perceive you have together.  

  8. If I was in that situation and my fiance still wanted to marry me, I would go for it.  I'd probably move up the wedding, but I'd still want to get married.  However, I'd like my fiance know that once I was gone I'd want him to move on with his life and find another woman to marry so that my child would be able to have two parents growing up.

    I'm really sorry if you or someone you know is in this situation.  My prayers are with you.

  9. nope, I would get married in 2008. I would tell him it was okay to move on after I'm gone, but I wouldn't dwell on it. Just the now.

  10. Why wouldnt you still get married?  I might push the date up so we could get married sooner.  If he loves you the way you love him he will want to marry you still.  Hes going to want to be by your side till the end.  And if yall have a child together hes going to be the one that helps you take care of the child when you start getting weaker. Plus if he wants to be there to the end and you deny him that, i think thats cruel to him.

  11. If he was diagnosed with the cancer I'd get the wedding moved up to as soon as possible. If I was, I'd let him decide (but let him know that he didn't have to if he didn't want to).

  12. First off if this “Hypothetically” question is real my thoughts and prayers to you and your loved ones. Second off… don’t wait till 09 move it up now, have a small ceremony, enjoy each other, be happy, be parents together as husband and wife to your beautiful child. Take each day and live it the best you can, sharing your love, your happiness. Working together to overcome the hard road you have ahead. Go watch the movie “A Walk to Remember”

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