
Hypothetically, about Global Warming...

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I, for one, agree that the Earth is getting hotter.

But, here's a hypothetical situation: Say that one day, about a few decades from now. A few scientists actually prove that Global Warming is in fact false, and that the majority of the world has fallen for the lie.

This is similar to the past, when people believed that the Earth was flat, and was the center of the universe. There were people then who came up with several 'evidence', but in the end, thanks to only a few scientists, we know for sure that the Earth is round, and is the third planet of the solar system.

So, my question is: If one day, say a few decades later, scientists prove that Global Warming is indeed false, what would be your reaction?




  1. I would be proper angry with the worlds governements for holding us to a lie for so long, there would be mass uprisings and various revolutions

  2. Lets say hypothetically you said you were going on holiday to an area with bad drinking water. If you drink it your get the runs for your whole holiday and you won't be able to leave the loo the whole time.

    So you drink bottled water for your two week holiday. Then at the end of the holiday you find out from another guest that the water was in fact fine. What would your reaction be?

    It should be the same rational as for your argument. The cost if inaction if wrong is too high to risk. So you take action. If later you are proved wrong, the cost is negligible. If proved right you save far far more.  

    So you have to act to avoid the high cost. Even if that does mean taking  some minor costs that potentially might not be justified.

  3. Yep, i knew it, you were just trying to make a name for yourself.  So.... you want to give the money for your research grant back?  Didn't think so... liar.

  4. Well as I have always tried to live what they call today green my interest was triggered by the flap in the 70s about the coming ice age and how if we did not cut our consumption of fossil fuels we were going to drive the world into a new and more terrible ice age. Well I am a bit of a nut on history, especially societal history and am very familiar with the natural history of climate change over the last 5 thousand years. I am also extremely familiar with a similar flap in the 1920s about a new and coming ice age that flipped in the mid 30s to a the world is burning up theme very much like the AGW/climate change flap of the current era.

    This fore knowledge of previous pogroms of this sort prepared me for the flip from cooling concern to warming panic as actually has happened. Also because it has still not reached the high temps of the 1930s and is showing signs of cooling off again I find the rhetoric of the AGW promoters to be deliberately aimed at creating a public panic kind of like when somebody yells fire in a crowded theater to generate income for the local hospital he owns and the ambulance service he owns. The graph that was first published to make the AGW point and later used by Al Gore as his major piece of proof is what really caused me to change from interested and slightly skeptical to full fledged denial of all of their assertions.

    Even before the study group in Canada found out where and how the program that produced the graph was in error I knew the graph did not reflect the real world in any way. Since high school I have studied graphs derived from glacial ice cores and Lake Bottom sediment cores as wee tree rings and public records going back more than 5 thousand years. This hockey stick graph did not reflect any of the very well known and documented climate variations of the last 5 thousand years and more it did not reflect those of the last two hundred that are very well documented.

    So it is my personal feeling that any widely published and touted graph that is this false must be some part of a major financial and/or political scam. Looking around I found that Al Gore is a major stock holder in a oil company and that while he was vice president he got this and other oil companies drilling rights on land that was well known to have huge amounts of oil under it but had for almost a hundred years been held in reserve for the Navy. So it became clear to me that this is only another game to make the oil companies richer and more powerful than they already were. The whole precept of AGW is just another fast money game like the others they play .

  5. Hypothetically, some say it's already false and this is just a cycle of warming that the planet goes through from time to time (I'm talking eons) and we're just unlucky enough to be living while it's happening.  So I guess we just adapt?

    ps--if global warming is false, smoking doesn't cause cancer.

  6. It has already been proven false and it's just a phase the sun is going through and now we're having Global Dimming.

    Antartica is actually getting colder while the north pole is getting warmer

  7. No big deal, I've been recycling and conserving energy for decades. I think that the idea of Global Warming has awaken some people to the choices we make on a daily basis, so right or wrong the debate has brought the topic to the forefront of the American mind.

    I've always thought that limited resources and pollution are bigger more immediate threats and that personal actions have a great impact on both threats.

  8. "I told you so"

    I don't believe in global warming

  9. id be pretty shocked but i would be able to belive it.  a lot of factors go into the warming of the earth and the meltig of the ice caps, so it could be a natural process of the earth.  

  10. If globally warming were proven false, I would suffer no guilt, because I have done no harm by living green.  

  11. I would feel fooled but Im quite sure it's real!! Look at the glaciers!

  12. first think about how to save the earth from global worming now. You are supposed to save the peoples and earth

  13. Well, the earth actually is getting warmer right now. That has happened many times before as well as cooling trends that caused ice ages.

    The question of "cause" to the global warming cycle we see now will certainly be answered. If the scientists prove that our current warming cycle was completely natural and that human intervention would not have affected it, I'll just way wow! The media really did a bang up job of stirring up fear didn't they.

    If it turns out that the warming cycle WAS influenced by human activity and COULD have been avoided if proper changes had been made, guess I'll say "Lets hope we learned our lesson!"

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