
Hypothetically, if two humans were on an island from childhood without exposure to any language?

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wonder if they would develop their own form of communication?




  1. i imagine they would develop a way to expess ideas to eachother, although it could very possibly be non verbal. I wonder if they would come up with math

  2. yes, they would develop their own form of communication, that wouldnt make sense to any outsiders...

    capacity for language is apparently one of those things thats innate in humans, unless someone has certain conditions that dont allow them to develop it...

    since you said there were *two* people there, they would create ways to communicate with each other, undoubtedly using sounds at some points...

  3. Yup, they will developed a common language!! It has already happen before, a bunch of kids get raised together for many years without ever being in contact with the rest of the community, when they were found, they learn the common language while keeping their own that nobody outside the group could ever understand!! They even create a grammar!!

  4. i would believe there imaginations would create some form of language.

  5. They'd pick up whatever non-verbal form of communication their guardians used.  

    Humans require someone to raise them and without any interaction they'd have all the same problems that kids raised around language have.  If they were ignored, they wouldn't develope remotely normal.  If they weren't ignored this would require some sort of communication.

  6. Of course they would.

  7. yup, they sure would!

  8. Yes they would it would start out as a form of sign language, more like charades  and grunts, and slowly develop into their own language.

  9. Yes.  I would have to say that these 2 humans would find some way of communicating with each other, through grunts, moans, hand movements, etc.  All animals (humans included) have a method of communication.

  10. If you think about it, don't you think they would be able to come up with their own communication. I mean we as humans had to start somewhere. It's just our natural instinct to want to communicate with some one, whether it is verbal or non verbal. And if it is non-verbal i am sure after generations people (the childrens offspring, asuming that the children are male and female) they would come up with verbal communication, and even written communication.

  11. They'd make up their own. My brother and I had a private language before he was sent to school.  We used to song our own songs too.

  12. they would develop a mechanism for communication. to be considered a language it must follow rules of grammar, syntax and semantics. If they were able to develop that and they were able to pass it on to another generation it would be a full language. Short of that it would be considered a pidgin language.

  13. Yes, I believe they would. Even feral children develop some sort of communication, whether or not it works well with the animals or not...But they'd have to communicate somehow.

  14. No they wouldn't . Children need to be primed for language development by there surroundings.

  15. ya, for sure.

  16. One important thing that humans feel the need for is communication. I believe that they would form some sort of language even if it wasn't verbal.

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