
Hypothetically, would you sell your pet if you could name your price?

by  |  earlier

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What would the price be?

Assume your pet would be well looked after by a new owner.




  1. NEVER

  2. Absolutely not.  That would be like asking me if I would sell one of my sons...........never.

  3. As for one on my dogs - no way!!!!!  He is an old guy and part of my family.  It would break his heart.  As for our young dog - no way! She was dumped on us and is a pain to the older dog.  It would be better if she had found another home.  If I had quickly found an appropriate home, I would have given her to that home, but now she is part of the family.  


  5. Name your price.

  6. Yes, If I was 100% sure it would be well looked after and happy, and they were offering a considerable sum, have to be  $50 000+ to start thinking about it,  I would have to make myself feel better about it by donating some of the money to a charity to help some other animals though.

  7. Nope, they couldn't print enough money for me to sell one of my dogs.

  8. Not my dog or cat or pet goats.  But I have a horse that we're trying to sell anyway.  My mom wanted him but he turneed out to be more work than she expected.  If we could sell him to a good home he and mom world be probably much happier.  

    Anyone in ohio want a horse?

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