
Hypothetically speaking: who would you trust more in the Oval Office, Barack Obama or Sarah Palin?

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Hypothetically speaking: who would you trust more in the Oval Office, Barack Obama or Sarah Palin?




  1. Obama.  He came from hardship and worked hard to achieve his dreams.  What did Palin come from?  

  2. Obama

  3. "Palin is a pre-menopausal pentacostal loon"

    Liberals engaging in sexism once again? I thought you guys stopped engaging in those acts long after Hillary dropped out of the race?

    I guess it's all on the table once again... The Messiah supporters are the reasons why people here fear an Obama Presidency.

  4. Obama - no question about it!

  5. Palin.  She's more of a man than Obama will ever be and I'll betcha she could slam dunk him in basketball too.

  6. I just read:

    “Russia's Black Sea Fleet is capable of destroying NATO's naval strike group currently deployed in the sea within 20 minutes”

    “Russia's General Staff said on Tuesday there were 10 NATO ships in the Black Sea - three U.S. warships, the Polish frigate General Pulaski, the German frigate FGS Lubeck, and the Spanish guided missile frigate Admiral Juan de Borbon, as well as four Turkish vessels. Eight more warships are expected to join the group.”

    No wonder US and UK are suppressing the news not reporting further on Georgia conflict. What do you think ?

  7. Sarah Palin - no doubt, she's even been active in government longer, and is known to be anti-corruption.

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