
Hypothetically what if you BOSS ASKS YOU SOMETHING

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you would consider "personal" do you NOT answer him/her??? You do have to be nice...when you say it. Can you say.."i'm uncomfortable with that kind of question?'...or what can you say??? You do not want to be fired.




  1. say "I don't understand" he will either have to be more specific or he'll change the subject

  2. if this has anything to do with ''intimacy' then of course not.. your boss has no right to ask about your private life..  if your boss asked you if during your break if you go out and you pass a newspaper shop to hand in his lottery ticket and he gives you the money and you go that way anyhow and pass such a job.. then he can ask you that. I don't know personal in what way.. a boss could ask if you mind ''if you pass a bakery in the morning on your way to work, can you get me a blueberry muffin please and he or she gives you the money . if you pass by a bakery store.. then that's not too personal to ask.. if he asks intimate questions about your private life that's out of line.. x*x

  3. well, it would depend on the situation..and what the boss asked me that was personal, i think that i would just acknowledge his presence as well as his question and walk away or something like that. or maybe tell him that i just do not have an answer for him because i just don't know. and if he wants to fire me, then there is probably a better job waiting for me somewhere else...he does not know what he is missing.

  4. Just say that you consider that to be a personal issue and you do not feel comfortable answering it.

  5. Just say "its none of your business".   He/she is not a king/queen they are just a boss.  People today are under the impression that standing up for yourself is bad, especially when it comes a boss.  There are laws that protect workers, some of them would probably surprise you.   Some will tell you if you stand up to the boss,when he/she is out of line, there will be retaliation.  You're protected against that also.     You dont have to say it nasty, just smile and say its not your business...   and walk away.

  6. say "im sorry but thats too personall" mabye

  7. With your boss, easier to stay as honest as possible. If your uncomfortable with a certain question tell them. If he asks why say why. Don't beat about the bush but don't back down from how you feel. No one can tell you how you feel. About dismissal, there's always another job, but your own selfworth isn't worth losing for anyone.

  8. I suppose if it were about politics, religion or economic and you don't feel comfortable it is pretty standard in office culture to just politely say that you prefer to keep that information private and that you would rather not talk about it at work.  Also mention that it is not a big deal and that you hope there are no hard feelings about not answering.  However, if this question is of a sexual nature, then that is sexual harassment and you should be very vocal to your boss about how you feel and that you will not put up with it again.  If the behavior repeats itself, you should have access to a Human Services department who handles co-worker harassment issues.

  9. This happened to me at work when a manager asked me a question in front of other people. I just replied rudely to her when she asked, "where were you when you called off work?" I said, "you mean when I called in sick?" and she dropped the whole convo.

  10. When you answer, don't make a big deal out of it.  Act as if he was asking casually and blow past it.  If you compose this big speech or indignantly tell him you don't like his question, you're going to turn it into a bigger deal than if you had said nothing.  If you think you can, make sort of a joke out of it, without giving him a straight answer of course.  If he pushes the issue, you may have to get serious on him.  But try the casual way first.

    Sorry, I can't be more specific without knowing the situation :)  good luck!

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