
Hypothyroid condition any non medicine fixes?

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I have been taking Levothyroxine .075mg for the past nine years. It is the only medication that I take and I was wondering if any one has any suggestions for a repleacement which I would not need a perscription for, such as herb or natural substitues. Any serious answers would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. There are a few natural products that support Thyroid health like Iodine (often from Kelp), L-Tyrosine, and/or Coleus Forskohlii (an herb).

    However, if you're looking to replace a prescription for a condition as serious as Hypothyroid, I would be very cautious... withdrawal from the drug, not enough support from the herbs, or too much support from the herbs could all cause major problems throughout your body. Your best bet would be to consult a practitioner that knows about supplements (a homeopath, nutritionist, naturalpath, D.O., etc). In any case, I wish you luck!

  2. IT is hard because you have been on this hormone supplement for so many years.  But IF I had this problem and discovered Australian Bush Flower Essences Old Man Banksia I would give it a try.  I would not though quit the supplements for at least two or three months then slowly have the doctor lower the dose for a couple of weeks and retest thyroid level to see if the thyroid had any rejuvenation.

    I would also improve my diet (supplements perhaps for optimun vitamins and mineral?)and read the ABFE book for other ABFE I could take to improve my over all health

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  3. Oldtimex has a point with withdrawing from meds. But I just answered a similar question about thyroid a few questions above yours in alternative medicine!!

    You can go back and look if desired but in short it stated that most thyroid probs. are due to low iodine intake and iodine level is never checked by the doctor-they just prescribe synthetics!! Te thyroid is MOSTLY iodine and needs that mineral to function!! You cantest to see if you are deficient by placing a 2 inch target of iodine used for cuts o the inner part of your thigh !! In gone in 24 hours you are deficient-enough to affect the thyroid function!! Supplement a couple of weeks and test again or sooner!! Or even geta blood test for thyroid function to see the results!!

    I had a weak thyroid ,did the test and supplemented!! I am back to normal function now without ever taking meds.!!

    I was once to the point where my eyebrows were disappearing-from the ends inward-a typical symptom!! That has reversed now!!!!!!!   Good luck!!!!!

  4. Have u checked your sellinium levels?

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