I went to the doctor for irregular period and was sent for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed complex cysts in both ovaries. There are no secondary signs of cancer such as ascites, lymph involvement, metastaes, but my doctor began saying "We assume it is cancer - you need to prepare for surgery and chemo."
Off to the gynacologist she recommended and this guy says - it is a 15% chance it is ovarian cancer, and if it is we will perform a total hysterectomy. If it is NOT cancer.... we will perform a total hysterectomy. Now I found this disconcerting. I asked - why would you take both ovaries? His answer - because they might become cancerous. So why take the uterus? "Because that is what we do - we call it a total clean out."
In the mean time, I consulted with the HERS Foundation and they went over my radiological reports and said that there were no signs that would indicate cancer. In fact, they said that the radiological reports were insufficient and needed to be redone - essential information is missing and some information just makes no sense (suspected findings - do you see them or not? That is the only question you are being asked radiology man!) They suggested I seek out an obgyn who would perform a cystectomy.
So here is my conundrum - two radically divergent opinions. I do not feel comfortable with a plan to remove a healthy organ (my uterus, which I have grown attached to!!) because that is "what they do." In general, I feel as though this guy just wants to perform a hysterectomy regardless and I know it is not necessary if there is no cancer. On the other hand, I don't want to delay and start the process over for fear that if it is cancer it might progress leading to the loss of my reproductive organs and all other signs of life.
Has anyone sought a more conservative physician for the treatment of cysts or fibroids? Is there any good way to expedite the process on the chance that the clock is ticking? I am in central Ohio if anyone knows of a good surgeon who isn't slice-happy.
Thanks for your time!