
I´m going to go to London after 3 weeks could you tell what are the best clothes ,best place for shopping plz

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tell me every things cause this is the first visit to UK

and could you use simple word plz




  1. London is a major world fashion capital so your surely be able to find some nice stuff

    enjoy the two mile long Oxford street with over 400 shops on its sides

    regent street for more expensive upmarket stuff

    if your really rich take a stroll down bond street and sloane street.

    take a walk along picadilly for books and more cloths

    covent garden for more maps,books and cloths

    london is a fantastic city and you have 46000 shops to choose from

    remember to visit all the landmarks and experience the british way of life

    have a good time

    hope this helps :)

  2. Oxford street is the best place in London for cloths shopping.

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