
I’ve just decided that I want to be a pediatrician when I grow up :]?

by Guest31976  |  earlier

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So now all I need to know is

what should I be studying in school and what collage would be best for me??




  1. Thats what i want to b to. but i heard that you gotta study biology

  2. Do all the toughest science and math classes that you can, and get tutoring. In college you will have to take more than one Chemistry class and it wouldn't hurt for you to take Physics now as well just to keep the science intimidation factor low. Get comfortable with math--you don't have to be a whiz, but don't be intimidated. Danica McKellar wrote a few books on math geared toward middle school girls so depending on your age they may be helpful.

    Realize too that a tutor can be really key. In my experience with math teachers, some are fantastic and some totally stink, same with science. One-on-one instruction can be really useful with math regardless of how good the teacher is though. And get tutoring throughout the Summer months so that you don't lose everything that you've learned.

    You should also volunteer in a hospital just so you can see what it's like to be around patients and medical professionals in a hospital.

    You don't have to go to anything fancier than a state school in most instances. You will spend a lot on Med school so keeping your undergraduate expenses low is often a good idea. It is even a good idea to attend community college for your first two years if there is a good one in your area.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. Talk to your school guidance counselor. He/she is the best advisor for you. Also take a spelling course, collage is not college. Collage is what you make out of different materials and it's art. College is a level of higher education.

  4. california state is best for medical stuff, and you should study stuff like anatomy, science, physics, pretty much anything that has to do with science. the more, the better. I wanna become a anesesiologist. I know i spelled it wrong.  

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