
I,v been hearing voices in my head for sometime now?

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my friend has made me a hat thats coated in aluminum foil..will this help block out these voices...and if so how would this work.




  1. There is usually a reason for "hearing voices".

    Different psychological disorders can be causing it.

    There are some forms of therapy that can be helpful toward eliminating it,

    and in other cases, it can be addressed with medication.

    To get help, you will want to see a Psychologist for counseling/therapy.

    And equally important, you will want to also see a Psychiatrist for medications.

    Take the first step, and make an appointment.

    (sorry, the hat does nothing to block the "voices")

  2. This is your inner voice...."go to a"

  3. the hat WILL work! you just need to use it for about a month before it starts working. don't ever run anywhere, WALK everywhere. try to block out the voices, don't answer them cuz it'll get worse. if by 2 months they arent gone then puyt your head in a toilet and flush it cuz that usually gets rid of the voices; they get flushed.

  4. are you sure you arent just THINKING?

  5. You need to go see a psychiatrist and take your hat with you and let him check it out.

  6. Alrighty, lets get down to it, unfortunately the aluminum hat won't help with the voices because they're on the inside, I fear your " friend " might want to make you look like a d**k, is he sneaking around taking photos of you? I've heard that these can help ward off incoming mind control signals from Sky TV, best get myself one if that's the case.  ...---.-.-..

  7. hi,first of all,let me tell you,you are not alone.i also hear inner voices,but yours might be for a different reason than mine.What you might want to do is starting journaling and ask questions and see if you get any responses.No,a hat such as the one your friend made you will not block them out.If you have someone who you can trust and who is supportive,talk to them about it,if you find that the inner voices interfere with your overall functioning i would suggest you talk with a trained professional,have the supportive friend go along with you.

  8. You need a whole suit made out of aluminum foil. Run, don't walk, to a shrink.

  9. go to a shrink take you hat with you

  10. wow lmao i think that ur friend is getting the best out of you for that aluminum foil hat idea was from that movie signs to keep the aliens from reading their minds .u need some thing more than a hat made of aluminum foil how about some help from a doctor

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