
I''m the only sane one in my family..?!? *ADOLESCENT*

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Everyone in my family is insane. My mom wants to act like a child and embarss herself in public by standing on top of the food shelves in the asiles and laugh like a hyina (sp). My dad thinks its funny whenever my moma and i get into an argument and find it amusing rather than talking to me like a sensible dad. my sister has bad anger rpoblems and she is the most impatient person ever!!!

the only sane ones in the house is me and my little brothers who are only 4 and 7 but yah..i hate it. they're so embarssing and odd. i love em but can i cope iwth this? its so embarssing when we go out in public, and i talk to them about ti but they never listen. i love em but embarssing!??




  1. Have a family meeting, tell it to them straight up, tell then how hey make you feel, and things they can do, but keep it nice and smooth, try not to hurt anyone's feelings, and reach a compromise.

    but they will always be your family you just have to bear with it and go with the flow =] hope this helps.

  2. Don't go out in public with them much, avoid them hang with your friends. Lock your bedroom door. Act like you don't know them when you MUST go out in public with them if possible.

  3. I think my family and your family are related.  

  4. My family is insane. I feel like I'm the only sane one. My mom, she loves this one soap opera and something 'exciting' happened one night and she was yelling at the TV. You know how in movies where somebody's yelling 'Don't go in there!', kinda like that. She's not mental or anything. She works with learning handicapped kids...I think its rubbing off on her.

    My dad, whenever I tell him my mom is yelling at the TV again, he says 'Its her TV'.

    Don't even get me started on my brother...He loves walking around the house with this pissy cover(He still pisses the bed...He's 16)around him because he's naked. Its nasty. It smells like pure p**s. When my mom is home, he doesn't do it. But instead he puts on shorts with no underwear on. Some of his shorts have holes in them right at the crotch...

  5. All parents have there crazy momments.

    Cut them off.

  6. God , I know what that's like .

    What helped for my family was a good meeting .

    We had a family meeting and we discussed everything that we were having problems with and from there I told them face to face , They told me they were sorry .

    but if that doesn't work try talking to them and asking if YOU can go to a therapist . The Shrink will talk to you can they will find that your family is causing some problems and she/ he will talk to them about it .  

    Or maybe you just need to break down , cry , and try and explain what is going on .  

    I understand the never listening one , and that's why I say a therapist could help , because that's not only you , its a person that agrees with you and is specialized in all those things .

    Good luck !

    I know what you're going through !  : )

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