
I' m Italian...cosa ne pensate degli italiani?

by  |  earlier

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What about of Italy and the Italians???sorry but I'don't speak and write American english very well...




  1. I love them.I married one ! I think they are great and Italy is going to be my second home but I find it funny that THEY think they are the best , Italy is the best, and everything good originated in Italy and wherever they go they always have to eat in Italian restaurants !!!!

    Your english is good ;)

  2. ma ci sono solo italiani qui?!?!

    io amo l'Italia,... anche gli italiani...

    certo...non so se volevi sapere il MIO parere...

    ma ho visto una domanda in italiano! :))

  3. LOL... never mind about asking it in English. "what do you think about Italy and Italians" must be the most asked question in this section. Here are countless answers for you:

  4. ragazzi ci sono anke io! italiani 4ever e forza napoli!!!!!!!!!

  5. ciao compatriota!! cosa ci fai qui?!

  6. boh!

  7. scusate se mi intrometto ma anke io sono italiano!!!

    e penso che gli italiani siano dei grandi!!!

    I'm Italian and I think that Italians are the best in the word...

  8. viva italia e tuti italiani....sono un Americano in New york

  9. ehi ciao

  10. Dopo tutto siamo i primi e per il resto i migliori.

    Questa era' una pubblicita' di molto e molto tempo fa.

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