
I'D like to know,over 4 decades,how much of the surplus's,did go too the poor,the homeless etc...?

by  |  earlier

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well as you all know the governments say they never have any money???what do they really do with all the surplus's that they say, well we found new money! it seems too me that the rip off game, has been going on for quite some time now.just take out your calculators and go back, at an average, of approximately, 7 billion dollars, for the last 4 decades. what does it add up too and where is all that money gone ??? ty




  1. Iraq

  2. They always have found a way to spend money . An it did not go to the people either .

  3. The money hasn't gone to the right people.  The surpluses that Clinton had have been wasted.

    Some of it has been wasted thanks to tax cuts.  Tax cuts reduce the amount of money the government gets.  Thus, that increases deficits and reduces surpluses.

    A lot of the money has gone to Afghanistan and Iraq.  If only we had a greater plan and more soldiers there, we'd be in better shape and not needing to spend so much.  Yet we are in two hard wars and well thankfully one of them is showing good improvement (Iraq).

    Our economic actions (Bush's) have benefited the rich.  They haven't helped the poor.

    Nor have the middle class been helped.

    I think our money has been used poorly.  A negative result of that is a bad economy and the middle class and poorer persons suffering. ugh.

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