
I'LL KEEP IT SHORT:: My husband's currently receiving unemployment, but he just got his old job back..........

by  |  earlier

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Will EDD find out that he is working there again, that they hired him back? Or can we keep getting benefits at least for another month? (He was out of work for a while and we are behind on EVERYTHING and would like to try and catch up!)


Any addl. info. you have on this is appreciated.....




  1. Yes they will find out.  It is fraud to collect unemployment while employed.  It sucks that you're behind on your bills, but it is not up to the government to support your debt.

  2. You must let the employment department know, and they will cut his benefits appropiately.

  3. Sorry..but they will find out..and then you will OWE them the money.

    If they believe this was done intentionally (like for a month or more) you may be investigated for fraud.

    Best way to catch up is to contact your creditors...make arrangements...apply for aid (such as heating assistance..etc) and if necessary contact the consumer credit counseling agency to become a liason.

    Most creditors will be understanding as long as you are communicative and honest with them.

    good luck.

  4. Report it to EDD right away before deciding what to do.  If overpaid, you might end up needing to repay the state  and have  problems you don't need.

  5. I'm assuming that you file every week or 2 weeks.  When you file, you are asked if you worked during this time.  You have to answer yes or no.

    Feel free to lie about it, it's people like you that make it harder on the ones who really need help.

  6. You have to let EDD know as soon as he gets employed again. It's one of their laws. If you don't, they will make you pay back ALL of the money he has received so far.

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