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Here's a general picture of ME..

I'm fresh out of college(BE).I took up a course which ,I knew i'd never be good at.I'm more of a creative person. But I chose technology(actually my mum chose for me).I was never good at academics. Always got a very average score.(even though i worked really hard!!!well more than my peer's atleast!!)

Throughout college i didn't have a boyfriend.A few guys were intrested in me.. But I was always under the impression that they'd dump me when they found out what a dull girl I was.So i dutifully avoided all the guys in college..

Now it's three months since i've finished my graduation and I havent found a job yet.(actually I have a job in hand but they dont seem to be calling me ,anywhere in near future!!) The main problem is I've been putting in a lot of hard work since i was a child but i've never smelt success.

Recently I've started thinking all the time about ,how of much a loser I am. This depression is getting to me so much that i consider suicide some times.. (i really don't think i have the guts for that).

I really dont know what my problem is.. is it true that you succeed only if you have the 'BRAINS'.is there anyone out there who has made it only with HARD WORK??




  1. Hold up young lady, first of all suicide?? NO.. that's not how u solve it OK? give life a chance.  First of all do u think that everyone in this world have a college degree? NO! you should be proud of your self that u had the opportunity to go to college.  Look at bollywood, and even hollywood, do u think all of the actr and actres have a colge degree? NO! I am sure you are very pretty and just think positive and work hard it'll pay off in the long run....

  2. Dear Friend,

    I have carefully read your E-mail as observed you remained depressed all the time .From my point of view I do not see any reason of your depression .It is nearly  of behave so-to-say its merely sentiments which has taken place in your Consicous Mind & you can get rid of without any loss of time .It is only in your hand.

    I would suggest you to spend 20 minutes for your prayer -to whom so you behave & a faith .If it is not so sit Calmly-&Quietly for 20 minutes  & after words think positively for your career that what you want to be!!.Make this practise everyday till your depression for you becomes the dead past.

    I would suggest you as follows

                          THINK AND Act-To-Day

                         Yesterday is already a dream

                         And tomorrow is only a vision

                        But today ,well lived

                      Makes every yesterday

                     A dream of Happiness

                     And   every tomorrow

                    A Vision of Hope.

    You will achieve successful Life Line prosperity & Fulfillment of your Desires.

    May God Bless You

    Rohit Parikh  

  3. Dear Friend,

    No one here without smart work but you needs to realize yourself.

    You have no problem but creating 1 to yourself.

    First stop thinking that you’re not smart and try to mingle with people

    You have built this problem thinking what others think about you.

    You have to mingle with people, start talking, be fearless; andlet’s not bother about others view about you. Don’t lock yourself.

    I understand that you have taken a course where you were not interested but that is past. The presence and the future are in your hand. Getting a job is not a big thing, if you want to know how to attend the interviews or any suggestions please contact me.

    I understood you are a brave person by way you explained your issue in detail (without hiding any) and a brave person never suicide. But you need to realize your braveness.

    Problem is within you and its very small one, just kick it out and see how beautiful life is and people around you.

  4. just relax don't try too hard ,luck may come your way,if you believe in astrology consult a good one,it may give you confidence and only that which interests you.

  5. i think your on the right path. your working hard to have a good life and future. if people can't accepted u for who you are then your better off without them. you know the best way to find someone is to quit looking and let them come to you. ive dealt with thoughts of suicide and i got through it by telling myself its not worth it something good is in store for you. it may be difficult to believe but there is keep you head up  

  6. you are too hard on yourself. you obviously have brains because you made it through college and did it taking courses you had no interest in. You are not a loser at all! Where in the world did that idea come from??? People do much better when they are working on something they enjoy. I made A's in college myself, except for statistics class which I hated. I barely passed and had to have a tutor! Confidence is yours if you want to step up and claim it. Just behave as if you have it, and there you go! You will find a job. Keep applying and then soon you will probably have several jobs to choose from.

    And yes, there are people who have made it by hard work. But I do not for one minute believe you don't have brains. You write way too well.

    I hope you soon pull out of this depression. Just remember that you do have some power over your own destiny and you can choose your fate. Plan your life. I didn't learn this little tidbit until way later in life. But you can plan it and then take the steps to make your plans come true. Don't harm yourself, please!!! It would be such a waste. And it would hurt the ones who love you. I hope you are soon feeling better. See a doctor to get some help to feel better.  

  7. life has been busy busy busy since you were born.  school after school..challange after challange.  you sound bord.  try to see the challange of finding your own niche out there,  one that combines though two things neccessary today   CREATIVITY AND KNOWLEDGE OF CURRENT TECHNOLOGY..sounds like you have a lot to make your next big progect putting together the package to pressent to the world

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