
I'M NOT GETTING SHOTS... do the cavities still dont hurt?

by  |  earlier

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im getting some sort of mask instead to numb my they feel the same? btw the cavity is small, not big..




  1. no the mask is not as bad and its like jell or cream it depends on what mask your dentist gives you and they don't hurt but sometimes they can sting but still the stinging does not hurt at all.

  2. They do the same thing: numb you. You won't feel a thing.

  3. the mask is this gas that makes you like...loopy. ive had about 14 cavitie fillings (ive only had 9 cavities but the fillings break) and unless the dentist tells you he's giving you a shot, you wont even notice. and it only takes about 15 minutes to fill a cavitie.

  4. Cavities hurt a whole lot more than the shots do!

  5. the shots don't hurt

  6. Your just getting Nitrous, which will make you relax but it wont numb anything. Your going to feel it, I wouldnt do it if I was you,I would just get the novicane shot and besides, if you have a good dentist it wont hurt at all.

  7. It's called Laughing gas. And i have used it and you can still feel the pain when your getting a cavity fill. I'm getting 4 done next weekend and i can't stand the pain even with the laughing gas so i'm just going to use the shots. The only good thing about laughing gas is it makes you feel weird. Like your sleeping but you slightly know whats going on with the pain. So yes, with the gas i can still feel everything they where doing. And it hurts like h**l. i kept asking myself if i was wearing shoes. Lol. Go for the shot. You won't feel the shot because the numbness will take over quick.

    Good luck


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