
I'am Getting Braces!!?

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Okay I just got the news that I'm getting braces on Wednesday like in two days. So first I want to know what color I should get them. And second I want to know if it hurts. Please tell me. :)




  1. braces hurt sooooo bad i coudnt eat anything hard for like 3 dayz i was crying like a mutha.get dark colors cuz they make yer teeth look whiter

  2. Congrats!

    As a 9 month braces wearer, I can truthfully say that it doesn't hurt getting them on. It just is a little uncomfortable the first few days of wearing them because your mouth has to get used to them. Since school is starting (or has started) black is a great color. The contrast on your off white teeth makes them looker brighter and whiter! dark blue also does the trick I have black and blue alternating! he he! And pink and orange do look very nice together. Yellow makes your teeth look yelllow and so does white. Orange looks very nice on teeth. It doesn't make them yellow looking. Braces are a lot of fun even if you think its dreadful wearing them. sometimes its annoying eating certain things with them in but hey, you get used to it eventually! And make sure you listen to everything your dentist says or else you'll be wearing them LONGER! So have fun and if you need help with any braces problems, you cna always email me. It;'s on profile if you want to email me questions!

    Good luck,


  3. nooo they dont hurt at all .....LOL thats a BIG LIE!!! lol no they hurt 4 a week then u get used 2 it.... then u get them changed again and they hurt trust me ull LOVE them!!!!

  4. It doesn't hurt-just a bit uncomfortable while your mouth gets used to the feeling.  Take a tylenol and you will feel fine!  

  5. I had braces for 3 years, hopefully you wont need em for that long! Get em in wut ever colours u like most of the time i used to get two different colours and have for example one pink then one purple one pink one purple etc... i liked that....or the clear elastic things are good if u want to make ur braces less noticeable.

    I have to be truthful it does hurt!! I dont know how much your teeth need to move but mine needed alot of movin about and it was painful..take neurofen or somethin to help with it is all i can suggest.

    I must add  it doesn't hurt all the time! Just when they tighten them it is really bad!!! :( And it is only that bad for 2 days max! The rest of the time you be fine :)

    Good luck and always remember it will be worth it u will have beautiful teeth by the end of it

  6. it doesnt really matter what color you get because it is up to you. you will have them so long you can probably get every color at one time or another. just dont get black or a dark color because it looks like you have holes in your teeth. and second braces hurt. a lot. mostly the first 2 nights. it will feel like all your teeth are moving at once. it sucks but you will get used to it and it will go away.

  7. ok... honestly... the pain is pretty bad but def bearable!

    it feels like a lot of pressure... but painkillers and good sleep for a couple of days will help...

    make sure you eat NOTHING WILL hurt for some days!

    eat yogurt



    ice cream (really good numbs the pain out)

    btw you may get some sores in your mouth... so if any brace hurts you put some wax over it to avoid cuts in your mouth...

    i always settled with baby pink... looks cute, can look s**y.. and can be more discrete...

    good luck hunny!


    and smiiiiile!

  8. no..

    dont listen to what everyone says, poeple may say they hurt but they are just trying to scare you! they dont hurt at all! get whatever color you like.. maybe pink. But dont get white.. cause they get dirty easiley and then they will look yellow ew. good luck! i hope everything goes ok

  9. it doe shurt it hurts a lot after.

    take tylonal before hand

    get clear?


    w.e color

    u can chnage it every month

    ull be in there for 2-3 hrs gettign ur braces on  

  10. I had braces for like 2 never hurt so much for me to take a pill,u know what my main problem was?

    the braces sometimes got caught with my lip so it hurt like a...well u know the rest

    but they give u wax for that,and the time will go fast while u have braces so its not so bad

  11. It is different for each person, but my braces hurt me so badly that I couldn't eat solid food for two weeks.  Get clear.

  12. i got braces a couple of months ago and it doesnt really hurt, but ur mouth may be a little sore in the morning. but besides that, they become your new best friends! as for a color hoice, i know a lot of girls who got the color white(cuz white matches every outfit), and totally re-greted it because like teeth, food turns them yellow. just get your fave color, i know ppl go crazy with color mixes, cuz they're just braces. don't worry you'll be fine in a day or two.

  13. Get hot pink!!

    but ive also had dark blue, light blue, lime green, dark pink, red...pretty much any color. but right now i have hot pink haha.

    And... they dont hurt much when getting them on...but then about an hour later they hurt pretty  bad!!! i know you dont wanna hear that but its true. but the pain only lasts a day or two.

    good luck!!!! =]

  14. get your favorite colors.. or school colors :) annnd it only hurts like the first 1-3 days then you can't even tell they are on. oh and it hurts for a few days after you get 'em tightened.  

  15. it doesnt hurt getting them put on.. but after a little bit ur mouth will get sore so after they are put on take some advil and you'll probly have to do this for a few days. and get pink or something. a bright color. they always look cute. and they arent that bad after theyre finally on. i had mine for 5 1/2 years and you'll most likely be wickd pleased with the results =] good luck!  

  16. Braces dont hurt when you get them on its just kinda uncomfortable to sit with ur mouth open for a half hour. Its rele nothing. Oh and you should always go with light blue bands because there cute and match with everything! Good Luck! :)
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