
I'am out of fuel oil and can not get a delivery until monday was told it is ok to run some kerosene is thistru

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I'am out of fuel oil and can not get a delivery until monday was told it is ok to run some kerosene is thistru




  1. You're probably fine, though where are you going to get a sufficient quantity of kerosene, if you can't get #2 oil until Monday?

    Kerosene is commonly used in winter diesel fuel to avoid cold weather gelling.  Commonly, we mixed 30% #1 (kerosene) and 70% #2 oil for winter blend.  Since Deisel and #2 home  heating oil are the same, I'd imagine your furnace will be fine, though it might run a little hotter than normal.  Call your oil supplier, they will know if it's okay and it might even get them to get off their dead butts and get you an earlier delivery.

    You must be pretty far north to be considering running kero in your furnace.

  2. NO - you will totally mess up the heating system, and it will cost seval hundred pounds/dollers to put right.

  3. yes

  4. Yes, it's usually true.

    fuel oil is kerosene -- it's kind of like the different grades of gasoline. Most furnaces run on #2 kerosene (commonly known as fuel oil). Most space heaters use #1 kerosene. They are very specific about this. #2 contains dyes, usually, as well as being less refined.

    Usually, if it runs on #2, you can use #1, but the opposite is not true.

  5. Oh my, Huston, we do have a problem,...........

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