
I'am thinking of becoming a childminder, any ideas how i go about it?

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I'am thinking of becoming a childminder, any ideas how i go about it?




  1. i asked about it only last month in wales..its 300 pounds..england i dunno..did u know they only charge £3 an hour?..its gonna take some kids to make up what it costs..insurances,,,food,,damage,,,petro... your ill..if your kids are ill..i could go on and hence to say i scrapped the idea

    why thumbs down?...god u asked so i told u! ncma you silly woman

  2. Contact your local council and they will direct you to the section to register as a childminder. or look on the internet.You have to take a short course, make your home safe and be checked before you can start, but you can make good money with a few children.

  3. Contact your local council, where they'll send you details of your local pre-registration course.  Google and join the National Childminding Association (NCMA) as they have lots of useful information.  Also have a look at - full of useful help and advice.  Good luck!

  4. Some people prefer you to have qualifications, so you may need to go to collage, you need to register with a childminding service (something like this:

    You will need to have a police check (disclosure)

    And you need to have your house checked to see if it meets the requirements (stairgates, things to amuse kids, napping area ettc)

    You will need to have a first aid certificate (i assume)

    If you type childminding in google it comes up with lots of info (:

    Hope i helped

  5. my mother in law is a childminder so i know a little.

    The pro to being a registered childminder is that its tax free, its convenient if you have little ones of your own also.

    the cons are, you have to have your house inspected regularly for safety.

    you also have to comply with certain standards such as ethical toys and learning products.

    every member of your household who is over 16 has to be police checked, so a criminal record is a no go.

    If your ill it can cause an inconvenience and if you want a holiday that can be tricky too.

    The family members of the childminder have to be comfortable with having noisy children about the house on their days off of work also.

    You have to attend various courses nowadays so that can be useful if you want to take it further.

    here is a link that maybe helpful

    in response to what rachel said, the goverment pay for damages on your house, like when you potty train a baby, they will give you a grant to replace a can charge within reason what you like, £3 an hour is common but you can charge more.

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