
I'd just like to say, ladies?

by  |  earlier

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That on those days when you're all annoyed because your having a bad hair day and you don't feel attractive, you have to trust me when I say you still look gorgeous!

You are the fairer s*x! Just being female means that you're gorgeous.

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that when a girl is acting all depressed on her bad hair day, I'm thinking "Are you insane?! You still look incredible."

Not that I mean to say you all act depressed on those days. :P




  1. as a girl with many bad hair days i have to say thankyou if i was dateing you then i would ne lucy that was very sweet but sorry to say as many times as you say to your girl friend shes a girl we wont belive you coz we prob insicure bout it bye  

  2. WTF??? You pervert.

  3. awww thats lovely

    not really a question though is it lol

  4. what are you trying to do?  some girls look good on those days, some look bad. some girls look bad everyday.

  5. You're such a sweetheart.

  6. I never stress over how I look. I think I'm pretty.

    Thanks for encouraging me more, though.

  7. Are you trying to seduce me...?

  8. how very sweet, someones obviously a charmer!!! x

  9. Ahhhh   Thank You

  10. umm thts nice to kno

  11. Awww. :))

    Only a Guy trying to get Dates would say that on here haha.

    OH deary. Your so sweet.


  12. what a sweetheart you are, your girl is lucky to have you:)

  13. Don't mess with me today. I got CRAMPS.

    Actually I don't.  I thought what would I say to my boyfriend if he said that to me on one of "those" days.

    Thanks Lawrence.

  14. OMG that is soooo sweet!!!! <3

  15. You're too sweet. *kiss*

  16. Aww thanks your so sweet

  17. Hey, tell em that you're really rich next!! That'll work...  lol!

  18. how sweet, thanks i will try and bear that in mind

  19. Awwh thankyou. It's lovely to feel appreciated and that you men really prefer our natural look.

    Charmer ;)

  20. aw that's really sweet :) long time since i heard something sweet on here.

    i thought it was gonna be another one of those questions basically putting all women down.

    so thanks for not being a big old jerk, and thanks for making the start of a very long work day a happy start :)

  21. Awwwwwwww...Marry me?  Just Kidding.

    Your so sweet ;D

  22. Flutters eyelashes and courtesy's and thanks Laurence F from the heart of her bottom................... (makes mental note to self... NEVER to let Laurence F see her first thing in the morning.......)


  23. haha.

    you think all girls look "incredible"? :S

    and lol that's sweet though :)

  24. thanks!

  25. Yeah I can put on the charm as well, but after this they are going to be wary of it.

  26. AW! That's nice! Thank you!

  27. Thank you very much, I will keep that in mind Laurence....not that I have 'bad hair days' ...ha ha ha !!!!

  28. aww thank you :)

  29. Such a a charmer =P

  30. aww, thanks!;...

  31. *Blushes* x*x

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