
I'd like to ask a series of questions, is that OK or will you report them?

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Does Amr Diab look Jewish?

Does standing in front of a 5ft X 15 ft dozer blade make sense, even if you are a women.

Did you know walls are sometimes built to keep good things in as well as bad things out?

Do you think some people should watch more WWII movies lest they forget?

Can there be a safer place on earth than God's Chosen Land?

Can anything be more hostile than asking if that poor women has fans?

I'm sure this won't last long but did I make my point?




  1. - Yes, that is possible.

    - No it does not make sense. Rachel Corrie was an not only an idiot, but acted as a human shield for the "palestinians" who she visited--> something against International Law(whom the "palestinians" claim to follow so well).

    - Yes.

    - Yes, Arabs should watch these WWII movies, because genocide is an inherent practice of Arab life. Look at the genocide against Jews in Israel and the genocide of blacks in Darfur and other parts of Africa, the genocide of Kurds in Iraq and Syria, the genocide of Armenians in Syria....all perpetrated by Arabs.

    - For the moment, yes. When the scourge is cleansed from the land, it will be a safe place again.

    - Pardon me?

    - You made some point. Interesting questions, kid.

  2. OK, I will answer to your main question:

    I am a Gentile and I never report anyone.

    My account is always reported by the jews so even if I could report, no one would listen to me.

    Your other questions belong to a person that is not very stable emotionaly so I don't care to answer.

    I did answer to your main question though, OK?

    Maybe some deep breaths would help you feel better.

    bye bye

  3. And your question is?

  4. I don't get it.

  5. 1- Amr Diab is Egyptian, a great International artist whose songs are being used for so called "Israeli" dances against his knowledge, which is sooo funny LMAO! He supports the Palestinians.

    2- It doesn't makes sense for the animal driving it, sorry but he's not even a person for doing that... a zionist maybe???

    3- Oh, like in South Africa?

    4- Yes, I do. I think Jews should watch these WWII movies over and over, it might help them heal from their suffering instead of inflicting it on others.

    5- God's chosen land.. God's chosen people.. racist racist racist... and the rest of the world ie God's cattle should live there in "peacve" with the "chosen people"???

    6- As far as I know Israeli's do listen to arabic pop songs, just like they eat Arab falafel, smoke Arab hookah etc... Nancy Agram is an International artist, what is hostile about asking if she has fans in Israel??  Does Israel not belong to the rest of the world? LOL

    7- Actually, my answer won't last long because JD keeps reporting me while accusing me of being anti-Christian and all that c**p, just playing a dirty zionist game as usuall...

    By the way, my favorite artist Nancy Agram is a CHRISTIAN. Love her!!! Muaaaah... big kiss to Nancy!

  6. 1.Amir Diab could be anything, American Turkish French, anything.

    2.Standing in front of a bulldozer blade is done for the cameras, take the cameras away and nothing will stand in front of a dozer.

    3.The wall built between Arabs and Israelis has saved hundreds of lives statistically.

    4.People forget, that is how we are programed.

    5.We belive Israel is GODS land given by him to the Jews/Israelis. It is the safest place in the world for these people.

    Every human on this earth has at least one "fan" as for "that poor woman" what woman is that.

  7. Kind of, i prefer Hakeem though

    No,poor misguided girl


    I agree, However i dont think that would change the minds of anyone here, those who condemn Israel citing human rights violations then calling for the deaths of innocent Israeli men women and children.

    yes there are

    Im sure she does amongst the other hatefilled side

  8. LOL!

    amar diab jewish?

    no he is a hott arab!

    i dont know what that is...

    good point



  9. Does Amr Diab look Jewish? No

    Does standing in front of a 5ft X 15 ft dozer blade make sense, even if you are a women. If I could save anothers livelihood or home I would do the same thing.

    Did you know walls are sometimes built to keep good things in as well as bad things out? I remember the day the Berlin wall came down. Amazing history. Then another one came up. No one learned.

    Do you think some people should watch more WWII movies lest they forget? Yes. and world war I movies also. One war ends, people forget and make another.

    Can there be a safer place on earth than God's Chosen Land? No war going on here in Canada.

    Can anything be more hostile than asking if that poor women has fans? Sorry, I don't understand this one.

    I'm sure this won't last long but did I make my point? Hmmmm.....It was interesting enough that I thought I would answer. Cheers!

  10. Uhmm- confusing questions or maybe it's just me who went to bed at 6:30 in the morning last night??

    Q1- no idea

    Q2-no idea

    Q3-Yes i do




  11. Those are all valid questions and the answers are as follows:

    He's not, but could easily pass as a Israeli Jew.

    No, of course not, you're likely to suffer serious injuries or die as some people could confirm.

    Walls (or a fence) can keep wild animals out of house's grounds.

    WWII movies are normally accurate.

    Can there be safer - yes, is there -unfortunately, yes.

    Which poor women or are you referring to the poster who posted these questions which were loaded.

    Yes, you made your point.

  12. no... i didn't see a point

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