
I'd like to become a vegetarian

by  |  earlier

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But the problem is I am used to loving meat, It pretty much being all I eat. But now I can't take the idea of eating something that was once living, so I want to be a vegetarian now. But then again I HATE vegetables and fruit. the only veggies I like are green beans, carrots, black eyed peas, and beans..and as for fruit, well I only like bananas.. So any suggestions there? Also..How do I tell my mom I want that I'm a vegetarian now?




  1. i suggest getting veggie burger and soy products


    im vegetarian and i dont eat vegetables all that often.

    and just come out and tell your mom

  2. So what r u thinking? Try to learn some veg food specially some Indian food because Indians are very good in Indian foods.

  3. I have never been through this problem cause i have been a vegetarian my whole life. (one that doesnt eat fish either). but tons of my friends have become vege. they say there are ways to guilt yourself out of it. like whenever you eat meat, think about them killing whatever youre eating. eventually you will become disgusted in the idea of meat. and wont ever be able to believe you once in your life ate it. and just so you know being a vegetarian doesnt mean you just eat veggies. it just means you DONT eat animal products; any kinds of meat, fish, gelatin,  or animal bi-products.

    hope i helped!

  4. You could eat yummy soy products. :) And as for your Mom, discuss it with her thoroughly and tell her that you don't want to eat any dead animals. Ask her kindly if the next time you go to the store, you could buy some food for you. Also, thank you for becoming a vegetarian! :)

  5. what do you plan to eat if you hate fruits and vegetables and want to give up meat? you aren't going to have a very healthy diet if all you consume is bread and sweets.

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