
I'd like to bring a gift from the United States to a Croatian couple.?

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My family and I are staying with a couple from Croatia, and I'd like to take them something. I'm not sure what American gifts would be welcomed in Europe (this will be my first time to Europe). I'd like to stay within the $100-$200 range.

I don't know what "American" items would be appreciated there or found cheaper here.




  1. I'm not sure where you live, but laminated placemats [like these of Alaska and Lake Superior] are always a big hit with our European friends:

    So are 'fun' placemats like these of fish:

    Placemats are inexpensive, lightweight, and pack easily [lay flat, unbreakable.

  2. If you bring local produce, crafts or art work, it will be appreciated.

    I am not sure about the income of those people in Croatia, but I think that $100 to $200 is a lot of money for a gift with which to express that you are happy to stay with the people.

    It may seem to say, "See how rich I am" rather than what you want to say.

    But if you are sure about the price range, think in things locally made in your area, I have seen Patchwork items in that price range, or a wood carving.

    You can combine that with a book about the area you live, or a nicely made calendar with photos of your state or your part of your state.

    Do not go for factory made things unless you know they like them.

    If you do know the size you could bring jeans, but as people come in so many shapes and sizes the chances of guessing right are very small.

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