
I'd like to buy a case of wine - which should I get? ?

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I'd like to buy a case of wine - which should I get? ?




  1. depending on how much money u wanna spend and how long u wanna keep it for. go for a good quality semillon. the acid structure of a semillon allows it to be kept for 10-15 yrs. try tyrells vat1 semillon or hvd, belford or stevens semillon all from tyrells. great wines!!!!! good luck and happy drinking

  2. Get a Château d'Yquem from the year you were born.

    Drink one bottle on each of your birthdays.  The wine, like you, will only improve with age (assuming you store it properly, in a dark place that's neither hot nor cold, and doesn't see fluctuating temperatures very much).

  3. Well, for certain this case you buy will not be your LAST, so just do an eenie-meenie-miney-moe for the first one, and choose another for your second.

  4. Well, it really depends on what you like. If you like sweet wines, buy a case of something sweet. If you like dry wines, buy a case of something dry.

    There are varying degrees of sweetness/dryness with the reds and the whites. Not all varieties are available world wide.

    My suggestion is to either go to a specialty wine shop (one that allows sampling) or a winery. Taste a few wines and decide which one(s) you like. In some cases, you can mix and match your case of wine. That way, you have a little variety in your grape.

    Have fun with it. Wine was meant to be enjoyed.

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