
I'd like to involve my cat, and 2 shelties in my hand fasting how can I?

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Right...50 million Questions but I want to know how can I involve my cat and 2 dogs in the wedding?




  1. OMG, I almost had a conniption!  I knew hand fasting was something religious but I thought it meant actual fasting.  I was going to give you h**l!  LOL

    So.  I guess how you do it depends on their personalities and how much they're willing to put up with.  I have no idea what's involved in your ceremony but if it's anything like a christian or civil wedding it might be a bit much for cats although dogs might stand it.

    Sorry I don't have any great ideas....I guess I just popped in to share a giggle over my almost-conniption fit and to say - GREAT IDEA!  I hope you come up with some excellent suggestions.

    But let me leave you with one parting comment - do you remember the series premiere of the Brady Bunch?  It was Hairball (or whatever their cat's name was) that caused all the brouhaha and caused Tiger to bring down the wedding cake.

    I'm just saying....!

  2. I have 2 shelties and 2 cats! Cool!

    I wouldn't try to involve them un the wedding. Maybe the reception if they are very social, but if they're not, better to leave them home. They will appreciate it.

  3. ask this in the wedding catergory. i am sure you can but as i don't understand what a hand fasting is. i am not sure. but will you cat walk on lead and harness as you don't want lose him/her. then you could have them walk with you or something but you will need to have humans to witness the register.

  4. Make them ring and cord/ribbon bearers?

    Edit:  Hey frank... you might want to look up the laws in your state before you say they aren't legal.  You can get married any old way you want as long as the person officiating is legally able to marry you.  You can get married in a storm trooper suit by a guy dressed as snow white in a Walmart parking lot... as long as the guy in the snow white outfit is licensed to marry you.

  5. Whatever you do, don't dress them up. It looks absurd when people put clothes on animals.

  6. i have 2 shelties and a cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Neopaganism wedding? you are talking about a Neopaganism handfasting , correct?

    you are far, far out of the boundary of this section. few will even know what you are talking about.

    im not sure which section you want, i doubt weddings can help, since it is not a "western" wedding. maybe an alt. religious section.

    for everyone else, i think she is referring to a wedding which is not legal, it comes from scotland before modern laws, where all parties involved agree to it. most modern people will usually follow it with a legal wedding.

  8. Bring them to a pro groomer and get them looking as best they can. Then you can have them stand with the best man/maid(s) of honor. They don't really have to do anything special to be involved. After all, if they're not trained for that sort of thing, getting them to stand still long enough is a feat in itself! It'll look really nice to have them standing up there with you all.

    And congrats! Enjoy your new life!

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