
I'd like to know everything there is to know about ferrets? From experienced people, please.?

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So, my bf and I are going to get a ferret when we move into our first apartment. We've had trials of holding them in pet stores. I wanted to make sure my bf didn't freak out. I've held them before and baby sat them for a friend who has two. We'll be living in the NE Philly area and I was debating on if we should get 2 or not. We both have 9 to 5 jobs and would get home by 5:30 or so, but before 6pm. Can they live in an apartment OK? I also have a cat. She is 4 years old and loves small animals. She would play with the ferret. Also, boy vs. girl? And Cost? Is it expensive to own them in the long run? I know they are not cheap to buy and cages and all, but what about food and play toys and clothes? Would they be OK in a cage for 9 hours a day? Should I get two? Shots: I need the canine shots because pet co. gets them fixed and has their first rabies shot all done. Is getting them at Pet co. a good idea or should I go to a rescue? Any info or past experiences would help!




  1. 1) they smell really bad soe give them a bath evry two weeks

    2) they are really active with other animals

    3) they p**p ALOT

    well thats all i have to say.  good luck

  2. sorry i disagree DO NOT bath them every 2 weeks because that just makes it worse. If they're descented the smell is minimum and as long as you scoop their litter box 2 a day and scoop out their bedding every two days the smell shouldn't be too bad.

    They can probablly be in a cage for 9 hours, they'll probablly just sleep plus if you have two they can play with each other. But they have to be taken out every day for at least 3 hours.

    As for money, i would put away at least 100$ every month because vet bills cost so much money! Plus their food can be expensive, make sure you get them the good stuff or they'll just go through it in a week or so.

    But they're definitlly worth it!

  3. Ferrets are so much fun but they require a certain of owner whose ready to chase them and keep them out of tight spaces. I had one when I was younger and I eventually gave him to someone who was a little more experienced then I was. Mine was forever trying to climb inside the dishwasher, oven, any small dark area he could get into. And he pooped everywhere! When he was in house he would use the litter box but outside the house he went wherever he could find a corner to back into. Which made our house smell very badly. I decided to find him a new home and I found a great one for him with a lady who had two other females and they got along great.

  4. Okay, first I would try to rescue a ferret or two at a shelter, then try Craigslist and your newspaper, then try to find a breeder. If all else fails, Petco should be a last resort. One ferret is cool, two ferrets is a party!

    I would get two ferrets if I were you, watching them interact would be entertaining. If you just want one, though, they'll be fine.

    Now, getting a male or female doesn't matter, each ferret has their own personality and s*x doesn't determine it- but if you get a pair of ferrets I would personally get one of each.

    Ferrets can do fine in an apartment, only a lot of apartments don't like them! Make sure it's okay to own a ferret or two in your apartment.

    Ferrets do great with patient cats. They love bugging kitties and playing with them. Since you cat likes small animals she should love a ferret or two to watch and interact with.

    A 9-5 job is okay, ferrets sleep about 20 hours a day anyway, so they'll be sleeping while you're gone. They will need 4-5 hours out of the cage though, so the second you come home you'll be playing until 10:00, unless you play a little in the morning.

    For shots, ferrets need their rabies and distemper shots. Petco should have papers telling you which shots have already been received and shelter ferrets should already be up to date on shots. For distemper you'll need either a canine distemper or a ferret distemper- NOT the feline distemper!! Your ferrets will be less likely to have a reaction to the ferret distemper, but most ferrets do okay with the canine.

    About cost, ferret food is expensive and the start up cost isn't cheap, either. When your ferret gets to be about 3 years old, they start getting at risk for expensive, dangerous diseases such as Adrenal Disease. Some of these things can cost up to $1000 to treat- and sometimes it doesn't always work.

    I hope I helped a little- if you still need help these forums are great with helping new ferret owners or people considering a ferret:

  5. Ferrets are VERY costly. To get everything a ferret NEEDS your looking at Over $1000. This includes....

    Cage (Multi level)

    Food (High quality)

    Food bowl (NO tip kind)

    Water bottles (at least 3 small ones/ 2 large)

    Beds (hammocks, blankets, ect.)

    Toys (cat toys are good, and they love tunnels.)

    Treats (Please NO human food)

    Collars (with bell for out of cage time ONLY)

    Nail clippers

    Litter boxes (with high back)

    A good litter (NO cat litter)

    Ear cleaner

    And more....

    Ferrets should get a yearly vaccination like at Cat and dog.

    At least 4 hours of play time a day. They sleep from 18 -20 hours a day for being in the cage while at work is fine.

    The litter boxes must be cleaned at least once a day.

    Food and water available at all times.

    Boys and girls are mainly the same. If you get them a pet store they will come fixed, and desented. (I have 8 and 5 came from Petco, the other 3 were adopted.) It’s always good to adopt you save a life. Too many ferret rescues are OVER crowded. And they will help you with anything you don’t know.

    Ferrets can get many different things as they get older. This leads to at least ONE MAJOR surgery in their life time. Sad to say but true. This can run from $500 - $2000 just for ONE ferret. Sometimes they have to be put on Meds for the rest of their life.

    There is so much for you to read up on...Here is a site that I use all the time if I need help

    And please check out this forum. You can ask ferret owners of 30+ years experience. (And I am a member myself). I have learned so much. You can ask as many questions as you want.


  6. read this link.. its easy to read and helpful..

    it answers MOST of your questions..

    ferrets MIGHT be okay with cats, they will KILL rabbits..

    TIME is the most important thing, they need lots of time out of their cages

    if possible get them from a shelter NOT a pet store - really you should NEVER buy from pet stores for so many reasons, the biggest is that you support a cruel industry of breeding pets in warehouse type situations where they are not handled...

    read the link

  7. I dont really know anything about ferrets, but I am a really big animal lover, and I say get it from a shelter. There are so many ferrets out there that have been abandoned. Here are a few I've found:



    I just thought that would help. There are a total of 985 ferrets just on that need adopted. Some need urgent treatment. Some need money raised so they can have a critical surgery. Good luck.

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